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What is the Platts index?

What is the Platts index?

Platts Iron Ore Index, or IODEX (IODBZ00), is a benchmark assessment of the spot price of physical iron ore. The assessment is based on a standard specification of iron ore fines with 62% iron, 2.25% alumina, 4% silica and 0.09% phosphorus, among other gangue elements.

What is Gulf Platts?

On June 16, 2016, S&P Global Platts launched the Platts GCM™ (Platts Gulf Coast Marker), a price assessment reflecting the daily export value of LNG traded free on board (FOB) from the US Gulf Coast. These factors make US LNG attractive for buyers and sellers looking to trade on a short term basis.

What is Platts NWE?

Option Premium / Daily Margin. The Jet CIF NWE Cargoes (Platts) Average Price Option is a premium-paid-upfront option. The traded premium will therefore be debited by the Clearing House from the Buyer and credited to the Seller on the morning of the Business Day following the day of trade.

What is Bunkerwire?

Platts Bunkerwire gives you a daily global picture of the physical, wholesale bunker fuels markets, providing the latest marine fuel prices by grade for major ports and insight into the factors impacting them.

What is Platts oil?

S&P Global Platts is a provider of energy and commodities information and a source of benchmark price assessments in the physical commodity markets. S&P Global Platts and Argus Media are recognized as the two most significant price reporting agencies for the oil market.

What does Platts mean in fuel?

Platts means a price benchmark service for the oil industry. Platts pricing plus a premium or minus a discount is the preferred pricing mechanism on this requirement.

What is Platts Asia Pacific Arab Gulf Marketscan?

Platts Asia Pacific/Arab Gulf Marketscan (APAG Marketscan) gives you a comprehensive daily market overview. It provides the information you need to evolve your strategy, make trading decisions with clarity and precision and protect your position.

What is Platts market data?

— Platts Market Data – Petrochemicals provides the comprehensive price data you need to reduce risk when making important trading decisions or valuing positions; — Quickly and easily absorb real-time information and end-of-day data within seconds of it being published with Platts API or Platts™ Excel® Add-In.

What is Platts software?

Powered by Eze Software Group’s RealTick EMS, Platts on the Net provides traders and other industry professionals with access to global news, data and analytics to stay on top of market trends.

What is Bunker rate?

Bunker Adjustment Factor or BAF is an additional surcharge levied on the ship operators to compensate for the fluctuations in the fuel prices. Also called ‘Fuel Adjustment Factor’ or ‘Bunker Surcharge’, BAF represents the floating part of sea freight charges to adjust the volatility of the fuel prices.

What is the grade of paper gasoline on Platts?

The paper gasoline assessment is for 95 RON unleaded grade and reflects transactions for 50,000 bbl. The assessments reflect the value of paper gasoline one and two months ahead from date of publication and are quoted on a full calendar basis.

What kind of fuel oil is 0.5%?

Platts assessment process for 0.5% marine fuel is the same as high sulfur fuel oil (HSFO) – 3.5% sulfur fuel oil, marine gasoil (MGO), ultra-low-sulfur fuel oil (ULSFO). Marine fuel 0.5% price assessments reflect the tradable, repeatable spot market value of the most competitive grades in Europe, US, and Asia at the close.

What are the different grades of bunker fuel?

Bunker Fuel Specifications Globally, Platts assesses several grades of marine fuel: Marine Fuel 0.5% bunker, intermediate fuel oil (IFO) 180 centistoke (CST), IFO 380 CST, IFO 500 CST, marine diesel (MDO) and marine gasoil (MGO), as well as low sulfur grades.

When does the Platts FOB Singapore gasoil reflect?

The assessment named simply as “Gasoil” will reflect 10 ppm sulfur gasoil on January 2, 2018. S&P Global Platts will continue to publish the assessment currently named 10 ppm FOB Singapore assessment (AAOVC00), which will also continue to reflect cargoes with 10 ppm sulfur gasoil.