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What is the purpose of seismic lines?

What is the purpose of seismic lines?

A major feature of the ecological footprint of oil and gas exploration is seismic lines—narrow corridors used to transport and deploy geophysical survey equipment. These lines, which traverse forests, tundra, uplands, and peatlands, were historically up to 10 m wide.

What is a seismic lines?

Definition: Geophysical measurement used to record acoustic response of seismic sources along a line in order to define seismic properties in a cross section of the earth. Geophysics.

How are seismic lines made?

To find petroleum, oil companies build seismic lines. Trees and vegetation are cleared so vehicles can drive down the lines and put explosives in the ground. The explosives are detonated and the frequencies are measured and used to determine if oil or gas is below.

How wide are seismic lines?

The average width of a low impact seismic line has changed from eight meters wide prior to 1980, to the present two meters in width. This kind of width in a non-linear pattern has greatly reduced the impact and thus the footprint on the landscape.

What are seismic lines of equal intensity called?

The lines joining the place of equal intensity of seismic waves are known as A) Seisimice line. B) Isoseisimic line. C) Isogonal line.

How does seismic exploration work?

Seismic surveys use acoustic waves to create images of the earth through analysis of vibrations from those waves. Some seismic waves can penetrate solid rock and fluids into the deep inner layers of the earth, while others can only travel along the earth’s surface, like ripples on water.

What is seismic prospecting?

A method of geophysical prospecting in which vibrations are set up by firing small explosive charges in the ground or by other artificial sources. Precise measurements of the resulting waves are taken, from which the nature and extent of underlying strata are revealed.

What is the point or place that is the first to record the seismic waves?

The location below the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the location directly above it on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.

Which seismic wave does not pass through the fluid?

S-waves cannot travel through liquids. When they reach the surface they cause horizontal shaking. Liquids don’t have any shear strength and so a shear wave cannot propagate through a liquid. Think of a solid material, like a rock.

How do seismic vessels work?

Seismic vessels are specialized ships which are used to carry out seismic surveys at sea. They use survey-induced seismic pulses to image subsurface formation. Read here to know more about the types of seismic operations carried out at the sea.

How is seismic reflection technology used in oil and gas exploration?

Seismic survey is a method used during the exploration phase of oil and gas development. The method gives a first idea of what is present underneath the earth’s surface. The reflected and refracted seismic waves are recorded by a receiver (geophone or hydrophones in water) and give the first image of the subsurface.

How does seismic reflection work?

Seismic reflection is a method of exploration geophysics that provides information about the sub-surface structure of the seafloor. These reflected energy waves are recorded by hydrophones, and the data are processed to produce a visual representation of the seabed sub-surface.