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What is the rhyming word of travel?

What is the rhyming word of travel?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
gravel 100 Noun
unravel 100 Verb
Pavel 100 Name
Havel 100 Name

What word rhymes with Isles?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
aisle 100 [/]
beguile 100 [x/]
hostile 100 [/x]
bile 100 [/]

Does aisle and Isle rhyme?

Isle is another word for “island” and is usually used to refer to smaller islands. This is used less often than its homophone, aisle since people opt to use the word “island” instead of “isle.”

What word rhymes with transport?

syllable: art, bart, bert, birt, blurt, burt, cart, carte, chart, chert, curt, dart, dirt, fart, flirt, girt, haart, hart, harte, heart, hurt, mart, part, peart, pert, quirt, scart, shirt, skirt, smart, spirt, spurt, squirt, start, tart, turret, vert, wert, yurt.

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  • What’s a word for someone who travels a lot?

    Peripatetic is also a noun for a person who travels from one place to another or moves around a lot. If you walk in a circle, you are peripatetic, or walking, but you aren’t a peripatetic, or wanderer, unless you actually go somewhere.

    Does of have an F sound?

    The unstressed form (of) had a shorter pronunciation and the “f” was pronounced like “v.” The stressed form (aef) was more drawn out, and the “f” was pronounced like “f.” The vowel sounds were different, too. The unstressed form sounded more or less like UV and the stressed form like AHF.

    Is traveling spelled with 1 or 2 L?

    These words are a common cause of confusion because some people spell them with one L while others use two. Traveling is the preferred spelling in the U.S. Travelling is the preferred spelling in the UK or in the Commonwealth.

    How do you spell Traveller in Canada?

    Hence, Canada uses the double–L rule, and if you’re in Quebec City, the correct spelling is: Travelling. Other Commonwealth Countries that use the “two L” spelling (Travelled, Traveller, and so on) include Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand.

    What do you call a person who loves traveling?

    Hodophile – the very word for travel lovers. A Hodophile is “One who loves to travel.”