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What is the root for tangible?

What is the root for tangible?

1580s, “capable of being touched,” from French tangible and directly from Late Latin tangibilis “that may be touched,” from Latin tangere “to touch,” from PIE root *tag- “to touch, handle.” Sense of “material” (as in tangible reward) is first recorded 1610s; that of “able to be realized or dealt with” is from 1709.

What is the other term for tangible?

Some common synonyms of tangible are appreciable, palpable, perceptible, ponderable, and sensible.

Is intangible a real word?

not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable. not definite or clear to the mind: intangible arguments.

What are some tangible words?


  • palpable.
  • touchable.
  • actual.
  • appreciable.
  • corporeal.
  • definite.
  • detectable.
  • discernible.

What is the prefix for tangible?

The suffix -ible means able to be, so the word “edible” means able to be eaten, and the word “tangible” means able to be touched. The prefix tan- generally suggests things touching or being able to touch.

What is tangible form?

1 capable of being touched or felt; having real substance. a tangible object. 2 capable of being clearly grasped by the mind; substantial rather than imaginary.

What does tangible form mean?

What is non tangible?

Intangibleadjective. Not tangible; incapable of being touched; not perceptible to the touch; impalpable; imperceptible.

What is meaning for tangible?

1a : capable of being perceived especially by the sense of touch : palpable. b : substantially real : material. 2 : capable of being precisely identified or realized by the mind her grief was tangible. 3 : capable of being appraised at an actual or approximate value tangible assets.

What is meaning of the word tangible?

What is a tangible objective?

What is a tangible objective? An objective is tangible when you can experience it with one of the senses—that is, taste, touch, smell, sight, or hearing. When your objective is tangible, you have a better chance of making it specific and measurable and thus attainable.

Where does the word ” tangible ” come from?

1580s, “capable of being touched,” from Middle French tangible and directly from Late Latin tangibilis “that may be touched,” from Latin tangere “to touch,” from PIE root *tag- “to touch, handle.”. Sense of “material” (as in tangible reward) is first recorded 1610s; that of “able to be realized or dealt with” is from 1709.

What is the definition of a tangible asset?

(of an asset) having actual physical existence, as real estate or chattels, and therefore capable of being assigned a value in monetary terms. something tangible, especially a tangible asset.

What makes something tangible According to Merriam-Webster?

Something that’s literally tangible can be touched. A rock is tangible, and so is a broken window; if the rock is lying next to the window, it could be tangible evidence of vandalism. When we say that the tension in a room is tangible, we mean we feel it so strongly that it seems almost physical.

What are tangible things that can be touched?

Something that’s literally tangible can be touched. A rock is tangible, and so is a broken window; if the rock is lying next to the window, it could be tangible evidence of vandalism.