What is the second most common blood group?
O- is found in six percent of the population. This blood is the second most frequently occurring blood type. Thirty-four of every 100 people have A+.
Which is the 2nd rare blood group?
The rarest blood type in the United States is the AB- (AB negative) blood type, which is seen in just 0.6 percent of people followed by B- (found in 1.5 percent of the United States population) and AB+ (present in just 3.4 percent of people in the United States).
Is O positive a rare blood type?
Type O positive blood is given to patients more than any other blood type, which is why it’s considered the most needed blood type. 38% of the population has O positive blood, making it the most common blood type.
What blood type is least common?
What are the rarest blood types?
- O positive: 35%
- O negative: 13%
- A positive: 30%
- A negative: 8%
- B positive: 8%
- B negative: 2%
- AB positive: 2%
- AB negative: 1%
What blood type is rarest?
type AB
In the U.S., the blood type AB, Rh negative is considered the rarest, while O positive is most common.
Which is the second largest ethnic group in the United States?
Irish-American is the second largest ethnic group found in the United States, at 30.5 million people. The third largest ethnic group is African-America, at 24.9 million people. The largest number of African-Americans are found in the Southern United States.
Which is the second most common cancer in the world?
Lung cancer (including bronchus) The second most common cancer, lung cancer, is the leading cause of cancer death. To lower your risk of lung and bronchus cancer, it’s recommended that you stop smoking. 3. Prostate cancer
How to find the second most common number or text?
Find the second most common/frequent number or text with sorting by frequency 1 (1) Select the number column or text column where you will look for the second most common/frequent value from the… 2 (2) Select the Frequency from the Sort On drop down list; 3 (3)Select the Z to A from the Order drop down list; More
Which is the second most common mineral on Earth?
If you consider it as one mineral, feldspar is the most common mineral on earth, and quartz is the second most common. This is especially true when you consider the whole crust (continental plus oceanic). In chemical terms, feldspar is XZ 4O 8, where X is a mixture of K, Ca, and Na, and Z is a mixture of Si and Al.