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What is the setting in the story Song of the Trees?

What is the setting in the story Song of the Trees?

rural Mississippi
It’s the 1930s in rural Mississippi. The people are black and white, but the issues that surround them are not. You have three brothers– one older and two younger– and you remember a time when trees could sing. Your name is Cassie Logan, and you are 8 years old.

Which character traits best describe Cassie Song of the Trees?

Which character traits best describe Cassie? Curious and protective. is true? “Song of the Trees” is historical fiction because it is set during a specific time in history.

Why does Cassie love the trees in Song of the Trees?

Why does Cassie love the trees? 1. She likes to hear them sing.

What is the main conflict of the Song of the Trees?

The central struggle/conflict is Mr. Andersen wants to cut down the trees that belong to Cassie’s family. Mr. Anderson is greedy, racially prejudiced, and potentially violent.

What is the message of the Song of the Trees?

The theme of a story is the life lesson you can apply to your own life after reading the text. This life lesson is usually very broad and can apply to everyone all around the world. One of the themes of “Song of the Trees” is “Standing up against those who put you down will help you keep your self- respect.”

What is Song of the Trees a metaphor for?

Overall Opinion. In “Song of the Trees” the trees represent so much more than what they seem. They represent their freedom, rights, and happiness. The trees represent not only the Logan family, but also all of the black people.

What does Mr Anderson do to get what he wants in Song of the Trees?

He works on the railroad in Louisiana to send money home to his family. But, he comes home with dynamite and a plan to save the forest. Who is Mary?

What does the singing of the tree indicates?

The poem further tells that the trees are full of life and energy and they bring happiness, they are at their best form in summers the cycle of the tree growth. The poem further tells that the trees are full of life and energy and they bring happiness, they are at their best form in summers.

How do the trees sing full answer?

Answer: When a gentle wind blows, the leaves of trees start making a soft rustling sound so this whispering sound is supposed that the trees are singing.

What does the singing of the tree indicate?