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What is the state postal abbreviation for Kentucky?

What is the state postal abbreviation for Kentucky?

Appendix D – USPS State Abbreviations and FIPS Codes

State Postal Abbr. FIPS Code
Kentucky KY 21
Louisiana LA 22
Maine ME 23
Maryland MD 24

What is the three letter abbreviation for Kentucky?

KY is the abbreviation for Kentucky, the 26th largest state in the United States of America.

What does Ky stand for in address?

Acronym. Definition. KY. Kentucky (US postal abbreviation)

What does the name Ky mean?

The name Ky is primarily a gender-neutral name of Hawaiian origin that means Ocean. Or the Welsh form of Caius. Pronounced “Kye”

What does KY mean in slang?

KY Kentucky Regional » States Rate it:
KY Kinda Yummy Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it:
KY Kill Yourself Internet » Chat Rate it:
KY Kuuki Yomenai Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it:
KY Kuki Yomenai Miscellaneous » Unclassified Rate it:

What is the abbreviation for the state of Kentucky?

It uses the first two letters of the state name with a period at the end, “Ky.”. Knowing and understanding the KY state abbreviation will be very useful and extremely beneficial. You may also be interested to know what the Kentucky State Motto is.

When did they start using two letter postal abbreviations?

Modern two-letter abbreviated codes for the states and territories originated in October 1963, with the issuance of Publication 59: Abbreviations for Use with ZIP Code, three months after the Post Office introduced ZIP codes in July 1963.

Why are state abbreviations used in the post office?

State Abbreviations. . . . provided by the Post Office Department as an aid to mailers in accommodating ZIP Codes within the usual City-State line of addresses. The abbreviations are based on a maximum 23-position line, because this has been found to be the most universally acceptable line capacity basis for major addressing systems.