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What is the structure of a thermometer?

What is the structure of a thermometer?

Answer:Thermometer is a device which is used to measure temperature. Thermometer is made of a long narrow glass tube; with a bulb at one end. The narrow tube appears as a continuous silver line; because it is filled with mercury.

What is clinical thermometer explain its structure?

A clinical thermometer consists of a long narrow glass tube. One end of this tube is sealed and the other end has a glass bulb filled with mercury. This kino prevents immediate backflow of the mercury from thetube to the bulb, thus allowing us to read the temperature conveniently.

What is the structure of digital thermometer?

Answer: A digital thermometer includes a sensing case, a display case, and an electronic control unit. The sensing case includes a sensing rod at its front end and a core portion at its rear end where a window is formed on the core portion.

What is the construction and working of a thermometer?

A thermometer has a glass tube sealed at both ends and is partly filled with a liquid like mercury or alcohol. As the temperature around the thermometer’s bulb heats up, the liquid rises in the glass tube. The glass tube is mounted on a backboard that is marked in units called degrees.

What is a simple definition of a thermometer?

: an instrument for determining temperature that usually consists either of a device providing a digital readout or of a glass bulb attached to a fine tube of glass with a numbered scale and containing a liquid (as mercury or colored alcohol) that is sealed in and rises and falls with changes of temperature.

What is the thermometer easy definition?

A thermometer is a tool that measures temperature — how hot or cold something is. Thermometers are used to see if you have a fever or tell you how cold it is outside. Made up of thermo (heat) and meter (measuring device), the meaning of the word thermometer is pretty straightforward.

What is the range of clinical thermometer explain the structure of a clinical thermometer with diagram?

Clinical Thermometer :Clinical thermometer is used to measure our body temperature. The range of this thermometer is from 35C to 42C. For other purposes, we use the laboratory thermometers. The range of these thermometers is usually from 10C to 110C.

What is thermometer function?

A thermometer is a tool that measures temperature — how hot or cold something is. Made up of thermo (heat) and meter (measuring device), the meaning of the word thermometer is pretty straightforward. Thermometers measure temperatures in degrees, according to either the Celsius or Fahrenheit system.