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What is the synonym of excitable?

What is the synonym of excitable?

In this page you can discover 87 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for excitable, like: fierce, easily excited, peevish, irritable, moody, irascible, intolerant, fiery, volatile, resentful and vehement.

What are some synonyms of hysterical?

synonyms for hysterical

  • crazy.
  • emotional.
  • frenzied.
  • furious.
  • impassioned.
  • passionate.
  • vehement.
  • violent.

What are two synonyms for hysterical?

In this page you can discover 93 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hysterical, like: overexcited, distracted, possessed, spasmodic, distraught, unrestrained, wrought-up, convulsed, incensed, morbidly excited and fuming.

Is there such a word as excitable?

easily excited: Prima donnas had the reputation of being excitable and temperamental. capable of being excited.

What is the meaning for hysterically?

1 : of, relating to, or marked by hysteria hysterical conditions. 2 : feeling or showing extreme and unrestrained emotion hysterical fans … the paper did not hesitate to appeal to racial passions in hysterical headlines and rabid editorials. — The New Yorker. 3 informal : very funny a hysterical movie/joke.

What does hysterical mean antonyms?

marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion. “hysterical laughter”; “a mob of hysterical vigilantes” Antonyms: unagitated, unneurotic.

What’s another word for hysterically funny?

What is another word for hysterically funny?

comical funny
priceless ridiculous
facetious farcical
jocular killing
laughable ludicrous

Is enthusiastic a synonym of exuberant?

In this page you can discover 57 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for exuberant, like: profuse, abundant, plentiful, joyous, enthusiastic, vivacious, happy, abounding, animated, excessive and excited.

What does highly excitable mean?

Someone who’s excitable easily becomes excited, enthusiastic, or eager. A five-year-old will be especially excitable at her own birthday party. When you describe someone as excitable, you’ll usually mean it as a mild criticism — the person is easily overstimulated, and becomes excited far too readily.