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What is the term for inflammation of the liver?

What is the term for inflammation of the liver?

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. Inflammation is swelling that happens when tissues of the body are injured or infected. It can damage your liver. This swelling and damage can affect how well your liver functions. Hepatitis can be an acute (short-term) infection or a chronic (long-term) infection.

How do you deal with hepatitis B?

If your doctor determines your hepatitis B infection is acute — meaning it is short-lived and will go away on its own — you may not need treatment. Instead, your doctor might recommend rest, proper nutrition and plenty of fluids while your body fights the infection.

What is inflammation of the liver caused by alcohol called?

Hepatitis is inflammation of the liver that leads to liver cell damage and cell death. Alcoholic hepatitis is caused by drinking too much alcohol. The liver breaks down alcohol and if, over time, you drink more alcohol than the liver can process, it can become seriously damaged.

Which term contains word parts that mean inflammation and liver?


component meaning example
-ITIS inflammation hepatitis = inflammation of the liver
-OLOGY study / science of cytology = the study of cells
-OMA tumour retinoblastoma = tumour of the eye
-PATHY disease neuropathy = disease of the nervous system

What does bac stand for?

Blood alcohol content
Blood alcohol content/Full name
BAC stands for blood alcohol concentration and is the percentage of blood that is concentrated with alcohol. It is a useful way of determining how much alcohol a person can consume. A BAC of . 10 means that . 1% of your bloodstream is composed of alcohol.

What is medical term for liver?

Hepatic – referring to the liver. Hepatic artery – the blood vessel which brings blood with oxygen to the liver. Hepatic vein – the blood vessel which takes blood away from the liver. Hepatitis – inflammation of the liver. Hepatology – study of the liver.

What are signs that Tell Your Liver is inflamed?

How to know if you have liver inflammation Pain. Although the pain can be very subtle at first, it’ll worsen as the days pass. Fever could be one of the symptoms of liver inflammation. Fever is a sign of alteration in the body’s health due to infections, viruses, or bacteria. Jaundice. Jaundice is linked to liver health. Nausea. Stool. Bad taste in the mouth could due to liver inflammation.

What are the first signs of liver problems?

Signs and symptoms of liver disease include: Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice) Abdominal pain and swelling. Swelling in the legs and ankles. Itchy skin. Dark urine color. Pale stool color, or bloody or tar-colored stool.

What are common diseases of the liver?

The most common liver diseases are various types of: acute (sudden) hepatitis (inflammation), chronic (long duration) hepatitis, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis (scarring), and cancer.

What causes inflammation or fatty liver disease?

Too much fat in your liver can cause liver inflammation, which can damage your liver and create scarring. In severe cases, this scarring can lead to liver failure. When fatty liver develops in someone who drinks a lot of alcohol, it’s known as alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD).