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What is the time lag between Gujrat & Arunachal Pradesh?

What is the time lag between Gujrat & Arunachal Pradesh?

The difference between the longitude of Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh is thirty degrees. Hence the time lag from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh is two hours.

Why is there a difference of two hours in Sunrise in Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat Class 9?

As the longitudinal gap between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat is about 30 degrees, the time lag between these two states is two hours. Since Arunachal Pradesh is situated in the east, the sun rises earlier here compared to Gujarat in the west.

Why is there a time lag of two hours between the eastern and western side of India?

There is time lag of two hours between the Eastern most and the Western most part of India is due to the fact that there is 30° difference between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh for every 1° is equal to 4 minutes so 30° will be 120 minutes so there is time lag of two hours .

Why is there a difference of 2 hours in local time between the easternmost part of Arunachal Pradesh and westernmost part of Gujarat explain?

There is a time lag of two hours from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh because of the longitudinal extent of India. Gujarat is situated in the extreme west of India Arunachal Pradesh is situated in the extreme east of India. The Sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than Gujarat.

Why is there a difference of 2 hours in local time between the eastern most Arunachal Pradesh & Western most Gujarat?

2 hours. Complete Step by Step answer: There is a difference of two hours in the Local time between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh. This is because there is a 30 degree difference between India’s extreme east (Arunachal Pradesh) and extreme west (Guajarat).

Why is there a time lag of two hours between the westernmost and easternmost states of India explain with calculation?

There is a difference of two hours in local time between the easternmost part of Arunachal Pradesh and, the westernmost part of Gujarat. Naturally, they experience such variation in the local time because of the longitudinal distance of 30° longitudes.

Why there is a difference of 2 hrs in local time between the eastern most part of Arunachal Pradesh and western most part of Gujarat?

Why is there a time variation of two hours between the easternmost and western most part of India?

There is time variation of 2 hours between Easternmost and the Westernmost parts of our country. The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat. This is because the earth is tilted and also it rotates in east to west direction. Therefore, it is advisable to use more than one standard time.

Why is there a difference of 2 hours in local time between the eastern most part?

Why there is time variation of 2 hours between the easternmost and westernmost part of the country?

Why is there a difference of two hours in local time between?

Naturally, they experience such variation in the local time because of the longitudinal distance of 30° longitudes. This longitudinal distance of 30° longitudes makes a difference of 2 hours between the Arunachal Pradesh and the Gujarat.

Why there is a time lag of 2 hours Class 11?

The time along Central Meridian of India which passes through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh is taken as the standard time for the whole country. There is a time lag of two hours between Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, due to the longitudinal extent of India. Hence, the correct answer is option (A).