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What is the use of light pen and stylus?

What is the use of light pen and stylus?

A light pen, basically a stylus, is a light-sensitive directing computer input device. It is generally used to highlight text, object or alter data on a computer screen or monitor.

What is a light pen explain in details?

Definition of light pen : a pen-shaped device for direct interaction with a computer through a cathode-ray tube display.

Is light pen still used?

Today, light pens are no longer used due to the invention of touch screens. 2. The term light pen may also refer to a pointing input device utilizing a light that is commonly used during a presentation. The light pen is a very focused flashlight-type of device or a laser pointer.

Who invented light pen?

Answer:The first light pen was invented by Ben Gurley in 1959. The basic idea for the computer mouse came to Douglas Engelbart in 1961, while he was attending a computer graphics conference.

Is digital pen and stylus same?

A stylus is generally smaller and much thinner than a digital pen because it contains no internal electronics. Many digital pens also require the use of special types of paper whereas a stylus needs only the screen of its parent device.

What is the use of a light pen Class 11?

Light Pen: A pointing device consisting of a photocell mounted in a per-shaped tube. A light pen is a light-sensitive computer input device, basically a stylus that is used in conjunction with a computer’s CRT display.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of light pen?

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Light Pen

  • Pro: Precision Selection tool.
  • Con: Awkward Positioning.
  • Pro: Light Artistic Application.
  • Con: Specialized Monitor Required.
  • Pro: Desk Space Efficient.
  • Con: Inefficient for General Use.

What are the functions of the light pen?

A light pen is a light-sensitive computer input device, basically a stylus, that is used to select text, draw pictures and interact with user interface elements on a computer screen or monitor.

What are the disadvantages of a light pen?

Disadvantages. Light pens are easily damaged. They can only be used on some computer screens; they do not work with LCD screens. They usually lack high resolution capability. They can be fatiguing to the hand if overused. They can impair viewing of the computer screen on which they’re being used. When used as bar code readers, they have a high error rate.

What are the uses of the light pen?

Uses: Light Pens can be used as input coordinate positions by providing necessary arrangements. If background color or intensity, a light pen can be used as a locator. It is used as a standard pick device with many graphics system. It can be used as stroke input devices. It can be used as valuators

What are functions of light pen in computer?

A light pen is a computer input device in the form of a light-sensitive wand used in conjunction with a computer’s cathode-ray tube ( CRT Cathode Ray Tube The cathode-ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube that contains one or more electron guns and a phosphorescent screen and is used to display images. It modulates, accelerates, and deflects electron beam(s) onto the screen to create the images. The images may represent electrical wav… ) display. It allows the user to point to displayed objects or draw on the screen in a similar way to a touchscreen but with greater positional accuracy . Sep 22 2019