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What is the word meaning of sharply?

What is the word meaning of sharply?

If something happens sharply, it occurs abruptly and intensely.

What means reduced?

1 : to make smaller or less reduce expenses Reduce your speed ahead. 2 : to bring to a usually worse state The story reduced them to tears. 3 : to lower in grade or rank. 4 : to change to a simpler form Reduce a fraction to its lowest terms.

What does greatly reduced mean?

To reduce in quantity, extent or price, especially drastically.

What does sharply divided mean?

4 CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDused when saying that two things are clearly and noticeably very different Opinion is sharply divided. His beliefs and values contrast sharply with (=are very different from) his father’s.

What is another word for sharply?

synonyms for sharply

  • clearly.
  • strongly.
  • discernibly.
  • distinctly.
  • pointedly.

What does thinking sharply mean?

adj. 1 having a keen edge suitable for cutting. 2 having an edge or point; not rounded or blunt.

What does reduced mean in math terms?

In mathematics, reduction refers to the rewriting of an expression into a simpler form. For example, the process of rewriting a fraction into one with the smallest whole-number denominator possible (while keeping the numerator a whole number) is called “reducing a fraction”.

What is reduction in simple words?

Reduction is a chemical reaction that involves the gaining of electrons by one of the atoms involved in the reaction between two chemicals. The term refers to the element that accepts electrons, as the oxidation state of the element that gains electrons is lowered.

Has been reduced meaning?

To bring down, as in extent, amount, or degree; diminish. See Synonyms at decrease. 2. To bring to a humbler, weaker, difficult, or forced state or condition; especially: a.

What word means to make smaller?

To make or become less. lessen. reduce. decrease. ease.

What is a divided person?

Divided Person means, any limited liability company, limited partnership or other entity which has been formed upon the consummation of a Division; Sample 2.

What does it mean when someone is divided?

2a : disagreeing with each other : disunited. b : directed or moved toward conflicting interests, states, or objects divided loyalties.

What does the word reduced mean in English?

Meaning of reduced in English. reduced. adjective. uk ​ /rɪˈdjuːst/ us ​ /rɪˈduːst/. › less than before or less than usual: reduced costs/hours/rates The industry’s workers have been subjected to reduced hours and the potential for layoffs. greatly/dramatically/sharply reduced We now have a greatly reduced deficit.

What is the meaning of the adverb sharply?

sharply adverb (ABLE TO CUT) in a way that will cut or make a hole: a sharply pointed nail

What does it mean when a person looks sharply?

A person who looks sharp dresses well; one who looks sharply is discerning. Hence, it is not clear that dual process and connectionist theories have to make sharply competing predictions for the results of this neuroimaging study.