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What is the word winged mean?

What is the word winged mean?

1a(1) : having wings winged seeds. (2) : having wings of a specified kind —used in combination strong-winged. b : using wings in flight. 2a : soaring with or as if with wings : elevated. b : swift, rapid.

What does the word winged stand for answer?

Winged stands for having wings of a specified kind.

What does winged words mean in the Iliad?

The Iliad and Odyssey consist of “winged words,” to quote a common phrase in Homer. The ancient Greeks actually thought of poetry as being in flight. This is because poetry was performed, not read. The epics each contain well over 13,000 verses, but they were not composed using the technology of writing.

What is the meaning of winged one?

2 flying straight and true as if by wing. winged words. plus one n. partner during an event. E.g.: Tom will be her plus one to the party.

What does wing it mean in slang?

Improvise, as in The interviewer had not read the author’s book; he was just winging it. This expression comes from the theater, where it alludes to an actor studying his part in the wings (the areas to either side of the stage) because he has been suddenly called on to replace another.

Is it winged or winged?

This “rule” (like every rule ever) isn’t without a few exceptions; winged seems to be one of them, according to Oxford. PS – ‘Beloved’ is a semi-exception, in that both pronunciations are acceptable.

What type of word is winged?

having wings. flying or soaring as if on wings. swift.

Where did the term wing it come from?

This expression comes from the theater, where it alludes to an actor studying his part in the wings (the areas to either side of the stage) because he has been suddenly called on to replace another. First recorded in 1885, it eventually was extended to other kinds of improvisation based on unpreparedness.

Who are the winged ones?

The Winged Ones are the inhabitants of the Isle of the Sacred Mountain. Towering to a height of six to seven feet, the Winged Ones are by far the most impressive creatures in the Land. Each one of them, male and female alike, is surprisingly beautiful. Their bodies are muscled and athletic and gleaming with health.

Where did the term winging it come from?

What does a winging mean?

To move swiftly through the air or on wings: birds winging south for the winter. 1. a. To pass over or through with wings: birds winging the air.

Which parts of speech Winged is?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: verb
inflections: wings, winging, winged
definition: to move by using or as if by using wings; fly. The eagle winged over the river. similar words: fly
related words: flit, soar