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What is this word normally?

What is this word normally?

adverb. in a normal or regular way: The wound is healing normally. according to rule, general custom, etc.; as a rule; ordinarily; usually.

What does normally mean in legal terms?

something that ought to happen.

What is the meaning of mormal?

archaic. : a bad sore or ulcer.

What is normal explain?

1a : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine normal working hours under normal circumstances It was just a normal, average day. He had a normal childhood. Their reaction to the news was normal and expected.

Is there such a word as normally?

NORMALLY (adverb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does predominant mean in law?

This term, in its natural and ordinary signification, is understood to be something greater or superior iu power and influence to others, with which it is connected or compared.

Is possession the same as ownership?

Although the two terms are often confused, possession is not the same as ownership. No legal rule states that “possession is nine-tenths of the law,” but this phrase is often used to suggest that someone who possesses an object is most likely its owner. However, the owner of an object may not always possess the object.

Is normal a bad word?

Etymologically, the root of normal is norm. A norm is a trait that is deemed acceptable to society at large. So the word normal should mean having characteristics which society finds acceptable.

How do you use normally in a sentence?

Normally sentence example

  1. We don’t normally use them.
  2. We normally expel the Ancient Ones.
  3. It wasn’t something she would normally do – buying clothes specifically for a trip.
  4. She’d never thought desire could conquer her normally rigid self-control.
  5. I’m normally much more patient.

How do we use normally in a sentence?

1, She doesn’t normally arrive until ten. 2, Fish normally have a high metabolic rate. 3, I’m normally quick to complain about shoddy service. 4, I don’t normally take my holiday in midsummer.

What does “approximately normal” mean?

Approximately normal means that a continuous probability distribution is close to a normal distribution, which would be a bell-shaped curve.

What do we mean by “normal”?

Some common synonyms of normal are natural, regular, and typical. While all these words mean “being of the sort or kind that is expected as usual, ordinary, or average,” normal implies lack of deviation from what has been discovered or established as the most usual or expected.

What makes a person normal?

Normal people are content with routines, patterns and even societal norms . Typically, they are not very deep or creative. When it comes to their own normality, they have tunnel vision. Normal people are judgmental of anything that deviates from their rules of normality. This type of person usually becomes weak when dealt with one-on-one.

What does it mean to be a normal person?

normal person definition, normal person meaning | English dictionary. normal. a being within certain limits of intelligence, educational success or ability, etc. 4 (Biology, med) (of laboratory animals) maintained in a natural state for purposes of comparison with animals treated with drugs, etc.