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What is una pluma?

What is una pluma?

Pluma: fountain pen (or, in an historic context, dip pen or quill).

Is it un Pluma or una pluma?

You use it when you want to emphasize it. In your case, people would say “tengo una pluma”. But if someone is saying “Tengo un lápiz”, to contrast it you may say “Yo tengo una pluma”.

What is do you need some papers in Spanish?

do hacer
you tú usted
need necesitar la necesidad
some algún
paper el papel el periódico

What does tiene Pluma mean in slang?

Tener pluma or soltar plumas refers to the mannerisms that some, though not necessarily all, gay people express when talking or walking, as has been said above. And some people who are not gay too, who may be mistaken for being what they are not.

What language is Pluma in?

Translate “Pluma” from Spanish to English.

Is a Pluma a pen?

In my Spanish book (I’m actually learning Spanish in Spain), it had “boligrafo” listed for “pen” but for Spanish/English translation websites, “pen” was translated as “pluma.”

Is Plumas El or LA?

Is Plumas masculine or feminine? In Spanish, pluma is feminine, while bolígrafo is masculine.

Is pluma masculine or feminine?

In Spanish, pluma is feminine, while bolígrafo is masculine.

What is the difference between pluma and bolígrafo?

Although they both can work as synonyms, at least in where I live (Spain), there’s a clear difference between “bolígrafo” (also, “boli” for short) and “pluma”: a “boli” has a ball in the tip (as its name says so, “ball pen”). A “pluma” does not have that.

Is a pluma a pen?

How do you say pencil in Chile?

Chile: Lapiz (pen), because the pencil is called lapiz grafito.

What is the plural of Raton?

plural of ratón. ratones [m/pl]