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What kind of fruit is a quandong?

What kind of fruit is a quandong?

Desert quandong is an evergreen tree, its fruit can be stewed to make pie filling for quandong pies or made into a fruit juice drink….

Santalum acuminatum
Clade: Eudicots
Order: Santalales
Family: Santalaceae
Genus: Santalum

Can you eat quandong fruit?

The ripe, sweet, beautifully textured flesh of the Quandong is eaten fresh, although it can also be dried and stored for future use. For convenience, dried Quandong can be reconstituted and used in a range of tantalizing desserts.

How is quandong used in aboriginal culture?

Traditionally the Quandong was an important food source for Australian Aborigines. Ripe red Quandong fruits would be eaten raw or dried for later use. Typically Everard Ranges women would collect Quandongs in bark dishes, separate the edible fruit from the pitted stone, and then roll the edible fruit into a ball.

Are quandong nuts edible?

quandong nut, edible seed of the native peach (Santalum acuminatum), a small shrubby tree of the sandalwood family (Santalaceae), native to Australia. The hard-shelled, edible nuts are customarily roasted.

What does quandong fruit look like?

Growing quandong fruit is found in the semi-arid regions of Southern Australia and are tolerant of both drought and salinity. Trees have drooping, leathery, light grey-green foliage. Insignificant greenish blossoms appear in clusters from October to March. Quandong is actually the name of three wild bush fruits.

Is quandong a hardwood?

Size of tree and type of forest/location: Medium sized hardwood of occasional occurrence in the coastal rainforest between the Nambucca River in New South Wales and northern Queensland.

Where can I find quandong?

Quandong Facts Growing quandong fruit is found in the semi-arid regions of Southern Australia and are tolerant of both drought and salinity. Trees have drooping, leathery, light grey-green foliage.

What Flavour is quandong?

The quandong has been a traditional staple food of central Australian Aborigines for many tens of thousands of years. The fleshy fruit, although sometimes a little tart, has a pleasant taste when ripe, similar to a cross between apricots, peaches and rhubarb.

How much fat is in quandong?


Energy 206kj
Protein 2.5mg
Fat 0.0g
Carbohydrates 8.1g
Total Sugar 8.1g

Where is quandong native to?

Quandong fruit trees are native to Australia and vary in size from 7 to 25 feet (2.1 to 7.6 m.) in height. Growing quandong fruit is found in the semi-arid regions of Southern Australia and are tolerant of both drought and salinity.

How do you grow quandong?

Quandongs grow best in full sun with a nutrient-poor, free draining soil and are both drought and salt tolerant. While its hemiparasitic habit means it can survive in tough conditions, it also means plants can be tricky to germinate and to grow.

What is a wait a while?

Definition of ‘wait-a-while’ 1. any of the climbing palms of the genus Calamus and related genera, having tough stems used for wickerwork and canes. 2. the stems of such plants collectively.

Which is the best definition of the word quandong?

Define quandong. quandong synonyms, quandong pronunciation, quandong translation, English dictionary definition of quandong. also quan·dang n. 1. An Australian shrub or small tree that is hemiparasitic on the roots of other plants and bears edible red fruit. 2. An Australian tree… Quandong – definition of quandong by The Free Dictionary

Where does the quandong fruit get its name?

Quandong has a scientific name Santalum acuminatum which grows only in the deserts reigns from the Sandalwood family known to be Santalaceae. It is partially a parasitic plant originating from the desert regions of central and southern Australia. The fruit is referred to as native peach, mainly cultivated importantly for the fruits.

Which is the best description of a quandong tree?

Definition of quandong. 1a : a small or shrubby Australian tree (Fusanus acuminatus or Elaeocarpus grandis) of the family Santalaceae that has lanceolate leaves and small flowers in terminal panicles followed by round edible red drupes. b. : the fruit of the quandong tree.

Is the blue quandong the same as the desert quandong?

Both desert and bitter quandong are in the same genus, that of the sandalwoods, while blue quandong is unrelated. Desert quandong is categorized as a non-obligate root parasite, meaning that the tree uses the roots of other trees or plants to garner its nourishment.