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What living things do not depend on the sun for food?

What living things do not depend on the sun for food?

There are bacteria that live in hot springs and other volcanic water that get their energy from chemicals released as a result of volcanic activity. They do not need light, and they do not need oxygen, and the Earth’s interior provides them with heat, so they can live without the sun.

Can anything survive without the sun?

All plants would die and, eventually, all animals that rely on plants for food — including humans — would die, too. While some inventive humans might be able to survive on a Sun-less Earth for several days, months, or even years, life without the Sun would eventually prove to be impossible to maintain on Earth.

Which organisms does not require sunlight to live?

Most organisms, including fungi, animals and many microorganisms, do not require sunlight to live, except indirectly. Organisms that require organic material (food) to survive, like we do, are collectively called heterotrophs.

Are carnivores dependent on the sun for food?

Explanation: The food chain begins with the sun: plants get their energy by photosynthesizing sunlight into energy, and then herbivores eat those plants to get their energy. Carnivores who then eat the herbivores are getting that sunlight passed along from sun to plant to herbivore to carnivore.

What depends on the sun?

The Sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth. We know the Sun through its heat and light, but other, less obvious aspects of the Sun affect Earth and society.

Why all living things depend on sunlight for their food?

The Sun is the major source of energy for organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Producers, such as plants and algae, use energy from sunlight to make food energy by combining carbon dioxide and water to form organic matter. This process begins the flow of energy through almost all food webs.

Is it bad to not get sunlight?

‘A lack of sunlight can cause a multitude of problems such as weak bones, foot deformities, some cancers, depression, skin problems, weight gain and cognitive issues.

In what ways are herbivores and carnivores alike?

In what ways are herbivores and carnivores alike? They both obtain energy by consuming other organisms. A model of the complex feeding interactions among organisms in a community from producers to decomposers is called a what? Food web.

Why do all living things depend on sunlight for their food?

Essentially all vertibrate animals need the sun because the food they eat (herbivores)or the food their food eats (carnivores) depends on the sun for growth. Plants need the sun, but it can be replicated with special wavelength growing lamps. Fungus needs no sun for energy and live from the energy of decaying once living creatures.

Are there living things that do not need the Sun?

However, there are living things very deep in the ocean near deep sea vents that do not need the sun to survive. They are so far down in the ocean that no sunlight reaches them and they get all of their energy from chemical dissolved in the water near the vents.

How does the food chain survive without sunlight?

Without sunlight, plants could not survive. The next level of the food chain is made up of herbivores, animals that eat plants. Since herbivores depend on plants to survive, herbivores could not survive without sunlight. Most of the rest of the food chain is made up of carnivores, animals that eat animals.

How are plants able to survive without sunlight?

Instead, they use nutrients in the soil and energy from the Sun to make their food (mostly sugar). We named this process photosynthesis (which roughly means “making things [food] from light”). Without sunlight, plants could not survive. The next level of the food chain is made up of herbivores, animals that eat plants.