What makes a cameo brooch valuable?
Hardstone Cameo Brooch. The more details and the finer the detail, the more valuable a cameo typically is. “C-clasp” pins on the backs of cameo brooches generally help verify their authenticity. A collection of a specific type of cameos can sell higher than a single cameo.
How do you date a cameo brooch?
Look at the hinge or pin on the back. If the pin on the back is a plain ‘c-clasp'(the brooch pin loops under a c shaped piece of metal with no ‘roll over’ fitting)– chances are it’s an old/ antique brooch. Mythology shell cameos usually date from the 18th Century to the very early 20th Century.
What is the history of cameo jewelry?
Cameos are often worn as jewelry, but in ancient times were mainly used for signet rings and large earrings, although the largest examples were probably too large for this, and were just admired as objets d’art. Stone cameos of great artistry were made in Greece dating back as far as the 5th century BC.
How old are cameos?
Cameo jewelry dates back to 3rd century B.C., making these pieces some of the most iconic on the vintage market. A cameo is a material that is carved with a raised relief that often depicts a profile of a face or a mythical scene.
How do I know if my brooch is vintage?
Check the length of the pin itself – generally speaking, the longer the pin, the older the brooch (this was perhaps due to clothing being much thicker and heavier in the old days, so a long pin was needed to keep it in place securely).
What kind of brooch has a cameo inscription?
Brooch; gold; oval and pyramidal; the truncated apex set with an onyx with cameo inscription in three lines; the sides ornamented with concentric rings of pellets, the lowest stage having loops on which pearls or beads have been threaded. © The Trustees of the British Museum Ring brooch, gold, ruby, onyx.
How can you tell the date of a Victorian brooch?
The pin sticks out beyond the edge of the brooch and is very long compared to the overall length of the brooch. The image of the Victorian “C” clasp is still long, but not as long as the Georgian clasp. The Victorian brooch can be accurately dated as it has the silver hallmark for Birmingham 1892.
Which is the oldest cameo in the world?
Large cameo on the lower left is likely the oldest. Made in gold fill with a pin that extends past the brooch and does not have a safety. The coral cameo upper middle appears to be from the Art Nouveau period based on the scroll work and symmetry of the mounting.
What kind of clasp does Art Nouveau brooch have?
The Art Nouveau brooch by Marcus & Co also has a “C” clasp but here the pin only goes to the end of the brooch itself. The other thing to note is the hinge. Prior to 1920 brooches tended to have tubular hinges. Modern brooches have machine made round hinges. These can also be seen in the images above.