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What month do red eared slider turtles lay eggs?

What month do red eared slider turtles lay eggs?

Red Ear Turtles lay their eggs between May through early July. A female might lay from two to 30 eggs, with larger females having larger clutches. One female can lay up to five clutches in the same year, and clutches are usually spaced 12 to 36 days apart. Eggs hatch 60 to 90 days after they have been laid.

How do I identify a red eared slider?

The most distinguishing characteristic for this species is an elongated, broad red stripe behind the eyes. This is fainter in females and may be completely obscured in hatchlings. Carapace is a yellowish-green with yellow stripes running vertically down the pleural scutes.

Do female red-eared sliders lay eggs?

Sexing Red Eared Sliders and Reproduction Some people don’t find out they have a female until she starts laying eggs (females will lay infertile eggs without a male present). Casual breeding of ​red eared sliders isn’t recommended but it is important to provide a nesting area for egg-laying females.

How old is a 4 inch red eared slider?

If your male red-eared slider is 4 inches long, he’s between 3 and 5 years old and has likely reached sexual maturity. The shell of a female red-eared slider grows to between 10 and 12 inches long, and a male grows no more than 8 inches long.

How can you tell if red ear slider is male or female?

Determine the Gender. It’s hard to tell the gender of a slider until it is at least 4 to 5 inches long, which may be when the creature’s 2 to 5 years old. The male red-eared slider has longer front claws, and the cloaca is further away from the body. The female red-eared slider has shorter front claws, and the cloaca is close to the body.

How much does a red eared slider cost?

Depending on their species, turtles can vary in cost. Red-eared sliders, one of the most common pet turtles, can be found for as little as $20 in pet stores, while some types can be purchased from breeders at a much higher cost.

Where can you buy a red eared slider?

Red-eared sliders can be purchased from large-scale dealers, breeders, animal rescues, and from pet stores, both online and offline. Many of the sliders that are sold by large-scale dealers were raised in turtle farms in the southern United States.

How can I tell if my golden slider turtle is male or female?

Look at your turtle’s shell. The turtle’s shell, or carapace, differs slightly between male and female. An adult female turtle has a slightly longer shell than an adult male has. As a means of sexing the turtle, this method is limited because you need to make sure that the turtle is fully grown.