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What months are rainy season in Africa?

What months are rainy season in Africa?

The main wet season lasts from April to early June, and there is a more sporadic wet season from October to December. Generally speaking, the dry season is best for game-viewing, while the wet season is often better for birding and baby animals.

What is the rainy season in Africa called?

West African Monsoon
The main two components of the African Monsoons are the West African Monsoon, which prevails during the Northern Hemisphere Summer (June through September), and the East African Monsoon with rains during spring (MAM) and autumn (OND).

What months are rainy seasons?

Countries and regions with a monsoon rainy season

Country Monsoon Season
Northern Brazil December – March
India July – November
South and Southeast China May – September
Taiwan May – October

What are the seasons of the year in Africa?

Roughly speaking, the summer months are December to March, autumn is April to May, winter is June to August, and spring is September to November. Because southern Africa is such a large area, and each region’s offerings change with the seasons, when you go may determine where you go.

How often does Africa Rain?

An average of less than 1,000 millimeters of rain falls per year across most of Africa (Map 1). Rainfall tends to decrease with distance from the equator and is negligible in the Sahara (north of about latitude 16°N), in eastern Somalia, and in the southwest of the continent in Namibia and South Africa.

Is April the rainy month?

According to the National Centers for Environmental Information, April is actually the fifth wettest month in the U.S. June is the wettest month of the year on average and May 2015 was the wettest month in the history of the United States.

Does Africa get winter?

Winter in Africa is generally warm, but here are more interesting facts on the continent’s winter season, which occurs over June, July and August. The average winter temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius. Nigeria experiences hot temperatures all year round, with the winter season being hot and dry.

Does snow fall in Africa?

Snow and glaciers Snow is an almost annual occurrence on some of the mountains of South Africa, including those of the Cedarberg and around Ceres in the South-Western Cape, and on the Drakensberg in Natal and Lesotho. Snowfall is also a regular occurrence at Mount Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

When is Africa dry and wet season?

In general, temperatures are pleasant with warm or hot days and cool or cold nights. The dry season is experienced from December to February and June to July. The wet season is from September to November and March to May . This means that the dry seasons have fewer rains but the parks remain wet during these months.

What is the average temperature in Africa?

The climate is tropical in Africa. Most months of the year are marked by significant rainfall. The short dry season has little impact. The climate here is classified as Am by the Köppen-Geiger system. In Africa, the average annual temperature is 25.7 °C.

When is the rainy season south of the equator?

South of the equator, the rainy season lasts from October to May and north of the Equator, from April to November. Along the Equator, rainfall is fairly regular throughout the year. During the wet season, thunderstorms often are violent but seldom last more than a few hours.

What is the average annual rainfall in South Africa?

The average annual rainfall for South Africa is about 464 mm (compared to a global average of 860 mm [citation needed]) but large and unpredictable variations are common. Overall, rainfall is greatest in the east and gradually decreases westward, with some semi-desert areas along the western edge of South Africa.