Table of Contents
What natural resources did the Kwakiutl have?
The area they inhabited was very rich in natural resources the Indians could use to survive. Their main source of meat was caribou. They also hunted moose, deer, rabbits, and beaver. The women of the Kwaliutl tribe gathered berries, roots, and nuts.
What resources did the Pueblo use?
They had to have food, shelter, water, clothing, and tools. They couldn’t go to a supermarket for all these things; they had to know how to gather supplies from their natural environment.
What Indian tribe invented irrigation?
The Hohokam lived in the Gila and Salt river valleys of Arizona between the first century and 1450 CE. Their society bloomed about 750 CE, probably as a result of their agricultural success. The Hohokam constructed a vast system of canals to irrigate thousands of acres of cropland.
What kind of food did the Kwakiutl Indians eat?
Kwakiutl men caught fish and sea mammals from their canoes. They also hunted deer, birds, and small game. Kwakiutl women gathered clams and shellfish, seaweed, berries, and roots. Here is a website with more information about Northwest Indians food.
Where do the Kwakiutl Indians live in Canada?
The Kwakiutl Indians are original people of the Pacific Northwest . They live in British Columbia, Canada. How is the Kwakiutl nation organized? Each Kwakwakawakw community has its own reserve, or reservation. Reserves are land that belongs to a Native American tribe and is legally under their control.
Where does the name Kwakiutl come from in English?
Kwakiutl is is usually pronounced “kwah-kee-oo-tl.”. This is an English pronunciation of a band name from their own language, Kwagu’ł, which is actually pronounced closer to kwah-gyoolth. Another name which is commonly used is Kwakwaka’wakw, which means “speakers of the Kwak’wala language.”.
What kind of art did the Kwakiutl Indians do?
Kwakiutl artists are known for their fine Native American basket and woodcarving arts, including wooden mask and totem pole carvings. Here is a website about Kwakiutl dance masks. What other Native Americans did the Kwakiutl tribe interact with?