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What nouns are collective?

What nouns are collective?

The words army, flock, and bunch are all examples of collective nouns. These nouns are all singular nouns but they refer to a group of people or things. In most cases, collective nouns use singular verbs. That’s because collective nouns refer to a group of multiple people or things as a single unit or entity.

Is word battalion collective noun?

the main body of an army; an infantry command of two or more companies forming part of a regiment; a large number. Examples: battalion of men, 1705; of soldiers; of sorrows, 1603; of tunnyfish, 1603. Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms.

Is platoon a collective noun?

Among the collective nouns for ‘soldiers’ are ‘business,’ ‘division,’ ‘draught,’ and ‘muster. ‘ Smaller groups of soldiers may be referred to as a ‘platoon’ or a ‘unit,’ whereas larger groups of soldiers may be referred to as a ‘regiment’ or a ‘brigade.

What are the 20 examples of collective noun?

Here is most important 200 examples of collective nouns;

  • a cluster of coconuts.
  • a cloud of dust.
  • a clump of bushes.
  • a collection of coins.
  • a comb of bananas.
  • a bevy of ladies.
  • a murder of crows.
  • a battery of guns.

What are 20 examples of collective nouns?

What kind of noun is soldiers?

The word ‘soldier’ is not a proper noun. It is a common noun but is a proper noun in other circumstances. A ‘soldier’ is a member of the U.S. Army. …

What is the collective noun of troupe?

A collective noun is a word which we use to define a group or collection of people, animals or things….People.

People collective nouns
collective noun phrase
a troupe a troupe of acrobats

What is the collective noun of mango trees?

Since mango trees are big and shady their collection is represented by the collective noun ‘grove’.