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What nutrients do lettuce need?

What nutrients do lettuce need?

All of the macronutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and many micronutrients are essential for healthy lettuce growth. To supply the right balance of nutrients to your plants, you will need the right hydroponic fertilizer. A fertilizer high in nitrogen and potassium will work best.

What is the best feed for lettuce?

Feed lettuce plants every two weeks with a balanced water soluble or granular fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10 or a 5-5-5, diluted to half strength. Look for a fertilizer in which the three numbers separated by hyphens are equal or almost equal.

What is the best fertilizer for lettuce?


Lettuce Fertilizer NPK
Miracle-Gro Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food 24-8-16
Urban Farm Fertilizers All-Purpose Vegetable Fertilizer 4.5-2.5-6.0 (approx.)
Miracle-Gro Performance Organics All Purpose Plant Nutrition Granules 9-2-7
Jobe’s Organics All Purpose Fertilizer Spikes 4-4-4

What NPK does lettuce need?

While this is labelled as an “all purpose” fertilizer, its NPK value of 12-4-8 is ideal for growing fast-growing leafy greens like lettuce. Nitrogen (the first number) is crucial for leaf growth, while phosphorus and potassium are more important for fruit/root development and overall plant health.

What is the best organic fertilizer for lettuce?

Fish emulsion
Fish emulsion is an ideal organic fertilizer for lettuces. Apply the fish emulsion at half of the recommended dosage every two weeks. It is best to apply the diluted fish emulsion directly to the soil. You can use it as a foliar feed as well, but be sure to wash your lettuce really, really well before eating it.

What fertilizer does lettuce like?

Lettuce is a heavy nitrogen feeder. In order for lettuce to grow strong, it’s important to feed it a nitrogen rich fertilizer. Trifecta+ is an all purpose fertilizer that has the perfect amount of nitrogen for growing lettuce, and any other nitrogen rich fertilizers (ex. blood meal) work well to encourage leaf growth.

What natural fertilizer is good for lettuce?

Fish emulsion is an ideal organic fertilizer for lettuces. Apply the fish emulsion at half of the recommended dosage every two weeks. It is best to apply the diluted fish emulsion directly to the soil. You can use it as a foliar feed as well, but be sure to wash your lettuce really, really well before eating it.

How do you grow healthy lettuce?

Lettuce grows best in loose, cool soil with good drainage. The addition of organic materials, such as compost or manure, will increase drainage, provide essential nutrients and improve your lettuce growing conditions. If you’ve had trouble with lettuce growth, consider purchasing a soil test kit.

Is tomato feed good for lettuce?

ANSWER: Tomato feed isn’t optimal for nourishing lettuce plants because blends for tomatoes are designed to especially promote fruiting. For best results, give lettuce plants a half dose of balanced water soluble or granular fertilizer every two weeks or so.

What is the best lettuce fertilizer?

What is the best nutrient solution for lettuce?

The recommended hydroponic nutrient solutions to successfully grow lettuce are majorly calcium, magnesium, and potassium and they are needed in high quantity. Calcium is especially crucial for the growth of lettuce because calcium deficiency can cause lettuce leaves tip burns.

Which is the healthiest type of lettuce to eat?

The health benefits of lettuce vary across varieties of lettuce, based on their nutritional contents. Iceberg lettuce is generally the lettuce type with the lowest amount of nutrients.

What are the health benefits of romaine lettuce?

Romaine lettuce contains 82% of the daily value of vitamin A. It also contains small amounts of vitamin C, iron, and calcium. Generally, lettuce is safe for most people to eat.

Why do you need to use N and P on lettuce?

Application of moderate rates of N and P enhance postharvest quality. However, high P and N application rates increase the sugar content, which in turn can increase the severity of bacterial diseases, reducing the shelf life of lettuce [N19] . High soil nitrate concentrations may also increase the occurrence of corky roots [N38] .

What are the nutritional benefits of iceberg lettuce?

Nutrition. The nutritional content of lettuce varies across varieties. Almost all lettuces contain a significant amount of vitamin A, along with small amounts of vitamin C and iron. Iceberg lettuce contains 7% of the daily value of vitamin A. It also contains small amounts of vitamin C and iron.