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What process is used to separate iron filings and sawdust?

What process is used to separate iron filings and sawdust?

Iron filings can be separated by magnetic separation method. When water is added to the mixture, sugar becomes soluble in water leaving behind sw dust, when this is filtered, saw dust can be separated as a residue. The filrate saw dust can be separated as a residue.

How can you separate sand and sawdust?

Most likely any sand you have will be denser than water, so it will sink, and the sawdust is going to be less dense than water, so it should float. mix it with a large amount of water, then scrape the sawdust off the top. Make sure you give the sand time to settle first though.

What is the best way to use in separating iron filings from answer?

Explanation: Magnetic separation is a method that uses magnetic force to remove the magnetically sensitive material from a mixture. Because iron is attracted by magnets, this is the best technique to separate the sand and iron fillings mixture.

How would you separate salt sand iron filings sawdust and benzoic acid?

To separate salt, sawdust and iron, use a magnet to separate the iron. Then, add water to dissolve the salt and float the sawdust. Skim off, sieve or filter the solution to separate the sawdust.

Can a mixture of sawdust and water be separated by sedimentation and decantation?

Answer: Sedimentation and decantation cannot be used to separate sawdust from water because sawdust is not heavier than water. Sedimentation and decantation can only be used to separate an insoluble solid from a liquid if the solid is heavier than the liquid.

Which method can be used to separate the mixture of sand sawdust and common salt?

Sand, saw dust and common salt can be separated by adding water to the mixture. Stir the mixture well with water and allow it to stand for some time. Sand settles at the bottom of the beaker, saw dust floats on water and common slat dissolves in water. Saw dust can be separated form the top the mixture.