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What questions can be answered by chemistry?

What questions can be answered by chemistry?


  • Are two atoms of the same element identical?
  • Can water stay liquid below zero degrees Celsius?
  • Can you light diamond on fire?
  • How bad of an alcoholic do you have to be to have your brain affected?
  • How can glass be a liquid if it’s so hard?
  • How do I know if something is an acid so I can avoid eating it?

What are examples of chemistry concepts?

Unit: Some basic concepts of chemistry

  • Importance of chemistry.
  • Uncertainty in measurement.
  • Law of chemical combination.
  • Atomic and molecular masses.
  • Mole concept, molar mass, & percentage composition.
  • Stoichiometry.
  • Reactions in solution.

Why is it important to understand chemistry concepts in a study of living things?

Knowledge of the nature of chemicals and chemical processes therefore provides insights into a variety of physical and biological phenomena. Knowing something about chemistry is worthwhile because it provides an excellent basis for understanding the physical universe we live in.

What are some good questions for chemical reactions?

Chemical Reaction Questions

  • What is the difference between a chemical process and a physical process in chemistry?
  • When does the breaking of chemical bonds release energy?
  • Why is mass conserved in chemical reactions?

What questions should I ask my chemist?

Behavioral questions you may face in your chemist interview

  • Describe a situation when you reached a goal and tell us how you achieved it.
  • Tell us about a time when you used logic to solve a problem.
  • Describe a conflict you had with your colleague.
  • Tell us about the biggest mistake you’ve made in your work so far.

What is chemistry and what types of questions do chemists try to answer?

Chemistry seeks to understand not only the properties of matter, like the mass or composition of a chemical element, but also how and why matter undergoes certain changes — whether something transformed because it combined with another substance, froze because it was left for two weeks in a freezer, or changed colors …

What are the most important concepts in chemistry?

Key concepts: Chemistry

  • All matter is made of particles. The fundamental particle from which all matter is made is the atom.
  • The properties of materials derive from the identity and arrangement of particles.
  • Energy plays a key role in determining the changes that matter can undergo.
  • Chemistry is everywhere.

What are the chemical concepts?

Abstract. Precise definitions are given of basic chemical concepts (matter, material; solid, liquid, gas, vapour; mixture, substance, solution, solvent, solute; physical, physicochemical, chemical, radiochemical; element, compound, allotropy, stoicheiometric, nonstoicheiometric).

What reasons can you give for people to pursue discoveries in chemistry?

Chemistry teaches useful skills. Because it is a science, learning chemistry means learning how to be objective and how to reason and solve problems. Helps you to understand current events, including news about petroleum, product recalls, pollution, the environment and technological advances.

What questions would you ask in an interview with a chemist about elements?

1 Expert Answer 2. It can react when in contact with heat, but only if there is another substance present. For example, some elements will combust (burn, ignite) when they are heated in contact with air, since air contains oxygen.