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What race is Lily in The Secret Life of Bees?

What race is Lily in The Secret Life of Bees?

white girl
Lily Melissa Owens Lily is a fourteen-year-old white girl born on the Fourth of July in 1950. When she was four, she accidentally killed her mother, Deborah. Along with her abusive father, T. Ray, whom she cannot call “Daddy,” she lives on a peach farm in rural South Carolina.

How is Lily brave?

Lily has always been beaten down and abused by her father, but witnessing Rosaleen’s courage gives Lily courage, too. Her father physically beats her and punishes her atrociously, and Lily has no choice but to take it. In the end, she even finds the courage to stand up to her father once and for all.

How does Lily come of age in The Secret Life of Bees?

Rosaline pushes Lily to see the abuse from her father so she can stand up for herself, promoting confidence and self growth that contributes to her coming of age. Lily’s complex relationship with the three Boatwright sisters build her into a mature young woman, provoking her coming of age.

How old was Lily when her mother died?

Lily has a horrific memory that haunts her. Deborah, her mother, died on December 3, 1954, after a heated argument with T. Ray. Lily was only four, but she remembers her mother hurriedly packing a suitcase.

Who is June Boyfriend in Secret Life of Bees?

June has a boyfriend, Neil, whom she refuses to marry (repeatedly).

Who is Lily’s father?

As Regina and Zelena drive through the woods, they have a quick exchange about Lily’s paternity as Maleficent flies overhead in her dragon form. Apparently Lily’s father is actually Zorro, who just so happens to be a dragon on OUAT.

How old is Lily in The Secret Life of bees?

Lily, a fourteen-year-old white girl, lives alone with her father, a peach farmer, in Sylvan, South Carolina. As the novel opens, she lies in bed, waiting for the bees that live in the walls of her bedroom to emerge and fly around, as they do most nights.

Who are the main characters in The Secret Life of bees?

Lily Owens Character Analysis. Next. August Boatwright. The Secret Life of Bees is the story of how Lily, a 14-year-old girl from South Carolina, struggles to make sense of her relationship with her mother and father, the black community, and the people she meets in the course of her adventures.

Where do Lily and Rosaleen hitchhike in The Secret Life of bees?

Together, Lily and Rosaleen hitchhike toward a town (Tiburon, S.C.) that Lily has found written on the back of a picture of a black Mary that once belonged to her mother. On the way, Lily feels free, as if a new life has begun for her.

What is the epigram for The Secret Life of bees?

The bee epigram for this chapter explains that communication is key. In the chapter, Lily makes an amazing discovery by being very direct with May. It is July 28 and the temperature is going up to 103 degrees. Lily wakes August to water the bees.