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What secrete a clear lubricating fluid into the urethra?

What secrete a clear lubricating fluid into the urethra?

Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands: Pea-sized structures located on the sides of the urethra just below the prostate gland. These glands produce a clear, slippery fluid that empties directly into the urethra. Fluid produced by these glands lubricates the urethra and neutralizes acidity associated with residual urine.

What is the fluid filled space within a follicle?

The antrum is a fluid-filled space (fluid = liquor folliculi) that develops among the follicle cells; it starts as multiple small spaces that eventually coalesce into a single large antrum.

What muscle is located in the spermatic cord and elevates the testes upon exposure to cold?

Descending from the internal oblique muscle of the abdominal wall are the two cremaster muscles, which cover each testis like a muscular net. By contracting, the cremaster muscles can elevate the testes in cold weather (or water), and the dartos muscle causes the scrotum to wrinkle.

What is the secretes fluid which nourishes sperm?

Located at the base of the bladder, the two seminal vesicles secrete a thick fluid that nourishes the sperm.

Which gland secretes fluid into the ejaculatory duct?

seminal vesicles
seminal vesicle, either of two elongated saclike glands that secrete their fluid contents into the ejaculatory ducts of some male mammals. The two seminal vesicles contribute approximately 60 percent of the fluids passed from the human male during ejaculation (q.v.).

What develops stratified granulosa?

This occurs during the first few months of gestation. Primordial follicles consist of a primary oocyte surrounded by a layer of squamous follicular cells . With continued development, this lining becomes stratified epithelium composed of cuboidal granulosa cells surrounded by an outer layer of squamous theca cells .

What is the cavity within a secondary follicle?

A cavity within the follicle is the antrum. What is the outer part of the ovary? The ovary is covered with germinal epithelium.

Where is the tunica Dartos located?

The Dartos Tunic (tunica dartos) is a thin layer of non-striped muscular fibers, continuous, around the base of the scrotum, with the two layers of the superficial fascia of the groin and the perineum; it sends inward a septum, which divides the scrotal pouch into two cavities for the testes, and extends between the …

What do the Cremaster and Dartos muscles do?

The dartos muscle makes up the subcutaneous muscle layer of the scrotum (Figure). By contracting simultaneously, the dartos and cremaster muscles can elevate the testes in cold weather (or water) moving the testes closer to the body and decreasing the surface area of the scrotum to retain heat.