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What shape does the Vietnam Veterans Memorial make?

What shape does the Vietnam Veterans Memorial make?

Instead of something heroic or celebratory, Lin imagined two stark black walls that began inside the earth, then grew and grew in height until they met—like a “wound that is closed and healing.” The V-shaped wall, designed to point toward the Lincoln and Washington Memorials, would be inscribed with the names of the …

Why is the Vietnam memorial shaped the way it is?

Subsequently, VVMF set four major criteria for the design: (1) that it be reflective and contemplative in character, (2) that it harmonize with its surroundings, especially the neighboring national memorials, (3) that it contain the names of all who died or remain missing, and (4) that it make no political statement …

How is the Vietnam Wall organized?

HOW ARE THE NAMES ARRANGED ON THE WALL? They are in chronological order, according to the date of casualty within each day, the names are alphabetized. THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES AND OF THOSE WHO REMAIN MISSING ARE INSCRIBED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE TAKEN FROM US.)

What are the dimensions of the Vietnam memorial Wall?

246 feet 9 inches
Vietnam Veterans Memorial facts and figures: The wall lists the names of over 58,000 men and women killed or missing in action. Each wall is 246 feet 9 inches long; the total length of the wall is 493 feet 6 inches. The wall is an angle that measures 125 degrees 12 minutes.

What is the Vietnam wall made of?

granite walls
Memorial Wall. The Memorial Wall is made up of two 246-foot-9-inch (75.21 m) long black granite walls, polished to a high finish, and etched with the names of the servicemen being honored in 140 panels of horizontal rows with regular typeface and spacing. The walls are sunken into the ground, with the earth behind them …

How do you find a name on the Vietnam Memorial wall?

The National Park Service offers these steps for locating a name:

  1. Look up the name in the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Directory of Names.
  2. Note the panel and line number for the name listed.
  3. Locate the corresponding panel at the Memorial.
  4. Locate the line on which the name is inscribed.

When was the Vietnam memorial made?

13 November 1982
Vietnam Veterans Memorial/Opened

How are the names of the Vietnam war memorial arranged?

HOW ARE THE NAMES LISTED? The names are not listed alphabetically, but rather chronologically by date of death or by date of missing in action, beginning and ending in the center where the two walls meet.

What do the symbols mean on the Vietnam Memorial wall?

The diamond symbol denotes that the service member is known dead or presumed dead; the cross symbol or plus symbol denotes that the service member was missing or prisoner status when The Wall was built in 1982 and remains unaccounted for today.

Who made the Vietnam memorial?

Maya Lin
David Osler
Vietnam Veterans Memorial/Architects
The memorial, located near the western end of the Mall, is a black granite V-shaped wall inscribed with the names of the approximately 58,000 men and women who were killed or missing in action. It was designed by American architect Maya Lin.

What is the traveling Vietnam wall made of?

The replica is constructed of Avonite, a synthetic granite, and its 140 numbered panels are supported by an aluminum frame. Machine engraving of the more than 58,000 names along with modern LED lighting provide readability of The Wall day and night.

What’s the name of the Vietnam War Memorial?

Alternative Title: The Wall. Vietnam Veterans Memorial, also called The Wall, national monument in Washington, D.C., honouring members of the U.S. armed forces who served and died in the Vietnam War (1955–75).

How tall is the Vietnam traveling memorial wall?

Created by Vietnam and All Veterans of Brevard, Inc, The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall is a ​3⁄5 scale of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and is almost 300 feet (91 m) long and 6 feet (1.8 m) tall at the center.

How many Vietnam veterans are on the wall?

About The Wall The Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbol of America’s honor and recognition of the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Inscribed on the black granite walls are the names of more than 58,000 men and women who gave their lives or remain missing.

Who is the designer of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial?

Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The memorial, located near the western end of the Mall, is a black granite V-shaped wall inscribed with the names of the approximately 58,000 men and women who were killed or missing in action. It was designed by American architect Maya Lin.