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What should people do to help endangered whales off the coast of Washington state?

What should people do to help endangered whales off the coast of Washington state?

How you can help

  • Be Whale Wise: Noise makes it harder for whales to hunt successfully.
  • Report sightings to WhaleReport: If you see a whale from land or at sea, report your sighting to WhaleReport.
  • Consider volunteering to restore salmon habitat.
  • Opt for a personalized license plate.
  • Support clean, healthy water.

Why are whales endangered?

Threats whales face today Threats include habitat degradation, contaminants, climate and ecosystem change, disturbance from whale watching activities, noise from industrial activities (including oil drilling), illegal whaling or harvest, reduced prey abundance due to overfishing, and oil spills.

How are we protecting blue whales?

Blue whales are protected under both the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. NOAA Fisheries is working to protect this species in many ways. Rare blue whale sighting in the Gulf of Alaska.

How can we save orcas in captivity?

Here is a list of what you can do to help: What YOU can do: Tell your friends and families not to visit or support Marine Mammal Parks like Miami Seaquarium, Six Flags and SeaWorld. Call your Congressman and elected officials and tell them not to support Marine Mammal captivity.

What can be done to save blue whales from extinction?

Unfortunately, ocean pollution, boat strikes, and the whaling industry are a constant threat to these endangered animals. To make the world a cleaner, safer, and healthier place for blue whales to take your support to the next level, consider donating money or providing legal support for helpful legislation.

How can we help the southern resident killer whales?

10 Ways You Can Support Orca Whales

  1. Use Your Voice.
  2. Clean Up Your Act.
  3. Choose Your Fish.
  4. Reduce Your Plastic Use.
  5. Add Your Name.
  6. Choose Responsible Companies.
  7. 7.Support Cleanup Efforts.
  8. Be Whale Wise on the Water.

Are whales endangered for kids?

And despite a global hunting ban in 1966, their population has declined by 70-90 percent in the past 150 years. With only 10,000-25,000 left in the wild, these magnificence marine mammals are today classified as an endangered species.

Are killer whales endangered?

Data deficient (Data inadequate to determine a threat category)
Orca/Conservation status

What can be used to keep killer whales away?

For killer whales, pipes were successfully used to help move several whales that were trapped in a freshwater lake in Alaska. Underwater firecrackers can also be used to deter whales. These small explosives are called “seal bombs” because they were developed and can be used to keep seals and sea lions away [PDF] from fishing gear.

How is the Southern Resident killer whale protected?

Efforts to establish critical habitat, set protective regulations, and restore prey stocks are essential to conservation, especially for the endangered Southern Resident killer whale population. All killer whale populations are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act.

How to help the whales of the world?

How to Save Whales Taking Direct Action 1 Contact the International Whaling Commission. 2 Speak out against seismic and sonar testing. 3 Sign a petition to stop whaling. 4 Organize a letter writing campaign. 5 Host a community event. 6 Support efforts to curb climate change. 7 Avoid products that contain whale meat. See More….

What’s the best way to stop the whaling?

Sign a petition to stop whaling. One way to take direct action is by signing a petition to stop whaling in countries like Japan, Iceland, or Norway. You can add your name to a growing list of global citizens who oppose the continuation of whaling practices.