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What should you do during USG negotiation?

What should you do during USG negotiation?

What should you do during USG negotiations for your release? Tactical hand-held radio transceivers, cell phones, satellite phones, and personal locator beacons (PLBs) are devices you could use for electronic communication. Selecting a signaling site and putting your signal in a suitable location is critical.

Which principle of behavior states DoD expects DoD civilian personnel to resist captor exploitation?

Principle III
DoD Expects DoD civilian personnel to avoid actions, including the acceptance of special favors from captors, harmful to the U.S. Government or allied personnel held as fellow captives. Principle III addresses the nature of communication between the DoD civilian member and the captor.

What is Article 5 of the code of conduct?

The fifth article of the Code of Conduct reads, “When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability.

What are some de-escalation strategies personnel can use?

What are some de-escalation strategies personnel can use to discourage captor violence? (Select all that apply ) Be conscious of your body language Maintain a low profile. Actions to take when capture is imminent include. ( Select all that apply ) ( Select all that apply ) What are some de-escalation strategies personnel can use

When are personnel always authorized to escape?

When are personnel ALWAYS authorized to escape? When in physical or mortal danger The three basic food sources during isolation are packed rations, animals and insects, and plants.

What are the two types of reporting isolating events?

Identify some posture and resistance constants of an effective resistance posture. The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reported and media reporting. -False

Why do you have to take command in a hostage situation?

This helps to show you are peaceful and mean no harm. Unlike a wartime situation, where the senior ranking member takes command of all prisoners, in a hostage situation, the most capable member must take command to ensure survivability. The two types of reporting isolating events are observer-reported and media reporting.