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What term means pertaining to the stomach and esophagus?

What term means pertaining to the stomach and esophagus?

Esophag/o/gastr/ic: Pertaining to the esophagus. and stomach.

What is the medical term for stomach?

Abdomen: The medical term for your belly. Your abdomen contains all the digestive organs between your chest and your pelvis. Aerophagia: The digestive term for swallowing too much air. Alimentary: This word comes from the Latin word for nourishment.

What word means pertaining to under the stomach?

hyp/o means under, below. gastric means pertaining to the stomach. hypogastric.

What is the combining form that means stomach?

Gastro- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “stomach.” It is often used in medical terms, particularly in anatomy and pathology.

What Does Chol E mean in medical terms?

Chole- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “bile” or “gall.” It is often used in medical terms, especially in physiology.

What does costo mean in medical terms?

Costo- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “rib.” It is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy and pathology. The Latin costa is also the source of the word coast.

What does an mean in medical terminology?

An-: Prefix very much employed in medicine and all of the health sciences, indicating “not, without, or -less.” For example, the prefix “an” figures into these words: anemia (without blood), anophthalmia (no eye), anotia (no ear), anoxia (no oxygen).

Where is the stomach located medical term?

upper abdomen
Stomach: The digestive organ that is located in the upper abdomen, under the ribs. The upper part of the stomach connects to the esophagus, and the lower part leads into the small intestine.

What medical term means pertaining to below?

The medical term meaning pertaining to below is: inferior. The medical term dorsal means: pertaining to the back.

Which of the following abbreviations refers to a visual examination of the esophagus stomach and duodenum?

EGD is an endoscopic procedure that allows your doctor to examine your esophagus, stomach and duodenum (part of your small intestine).

Which abbreviation means pertaining to the stomach and intestine?

GI: 1. In medicine, commonly used abbreviation for gastrointestinal, referring collectively to the stomach and the small and large intestine.

What does Hyster mean in medical terms?

Hyster- is a combining form used like a prefix representing the word uterus, also known as the womb, where offspring are conceived and gestate in mammals. It is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy. Related to the Greek hystéra is the Latin uterus, source of the related combining form utero-.