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What theory places emphasis on how an individual learns patterns of behavior from the attitudes of others society and peers?

What theory places emphasis on how an individual learns patterns of behavior from the attitudes of others society and peers?

______ refers to a theoretical explanation that places emphasis on how an individual learns patterns of behavior from the attitudes of others, society, and peers. social learning theory. The main difference between addiction and substance use is: social interaction, peer camaraderie, and social approval.

What is the correct order of the steps of drug use?

No matter how long your journey is, most rehabilitation counselors agree that there are four main stages of drug addiction: experimentation, regular use, risky use/abuse, and drug addiction and dependency.

What are the four principal factors affecting how a drug user experiences a drug?

Keep in mind that in its entirety, this book views four principal factors as affecting how a drug user experiences a drug: pharmaco- logical, cultural, social, and contextual. Pharmacological factors.

What kind of theories focus on the structural organization of a society peer group or subculture?


Question Answer
Structural Influence Theories tend to view the structural organization of a society, peer group, or subculture as responsible for drug use.
Social Learning Theory places emphasis on how people learn patterns of behavior from the attitudes of society

Which of the following is one of the strongest predictors of adolescent drug use?

Research has found that one of the strongest predictors of adolescent-onset substance use is affiliation with a substance-using peer group, and most adolescent substance use takes place within a social context (Clark, Parker, & Lynch, 1999; Oetting & Beauvais, 1987).

What is the psychoactive drug with the highest dependence potential?

  1. Heroin ranked the highest on the list in terms of dependency.
  2. Cocaine received a three out of three in terms of pleasure.
  3. In terms of psychological addictiveness, nicotine was ranked as almost as addictive as cocaine.
  4. Barbiturates are sedative drugs that were once widely prescribed for anxiety.