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What times does McDonalds close?

What times does McDonalds close?

General opening hours and holiday hours of operation. Note, that though many McDonald’s restaurants are now open 24 hours a day, McDonalds restaurants typically close at 11 PM or 12 AM.

Is McDonalds Open Christmas Day?

Yes , you can. McDonald’s time of operation will more than likely vary from store to store, but the odds that one is open on Christmas are high. Not just the 24-hour high-way exit one’s either. Most McDonald’s will be open on Christmas day just in case your turkey got burnt, or maybe you just didn’t have anything else planned.

What time do McDonalds stop serving breakfast?

Question: What time does McDonalds stop serving breakfast? Answer: 10.30 Am . Most McDonalds restaurants stop serving breakfast at 10.30 AM, after which the All Breakfast menu items are still available.

How long is McDonalds open?

Most McDonald’s restaurants are open for 24 hours every day. However, there are a few exceptions which you can find below. Some restaurants open at 5 a.m. and close at 11 p.m. from Monday through Thursday, and 5 a.m. to 12 a.m. from Friday through Saturday.

Is McDonalds open 24 7?

Even if a McDonald’s location is open 24 hours, that doesn’t necessarily mean the entire restaurant is open. My local McDonald’s, for example, is open 24/7 , but the dining room closes late at night. So while you can get your McDonald’s French fry fix at all hours, you have to take them to-go during a certain time of night.

Is McDonalds open on Thanksgiving Day?

Many locations these days are open 24-hours, so you will be good to go no matter what time of the day you are shopping or out and about. So, simply, the hours vary by location, but some McDonald’s will be open 24/7 on Thanksgiving. It’s best to note if your local store has any signs or information up about if they will specifically not be open.