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What type of galaxies contain mostly older stars?

What type of galaxies contain mostly older stars?

Elliptical galaxies contain mostly older stars. That means they often aren’t as bright as spiral galaxies. They also have very little dust and gas. Elliptical galaxies are the largest and most common galaxies observed.

What shape do older galaxies have?

Elliptical galaxies
Elliptical galaxies, such as M87, are the oldest and roundest galaxies in the universe.

What type of galaxy has middle aged stars?

Spiral galaxies
Spiral galaxies tend to contain more middle-aged stars along with clouds of gas and dust. The next galaxy classification is an elliptical galaxy.

What type of galaxy has only old stars little to no gas and dust and no star formation?

Ellipticals: Very little or no gas or dust. Star formation ended billions of years ago.

What type of galaxy is the smallest?

These are the irregulars. These galaxies have no identifiable form. Their stars, gas, and dust spread randomly. These are the smallest galaxies, and may contain as few as one million stars.

What are the smallest galaxies called?

The smallest independent structures known today are Segue 1 and Segue 3. Only approximately 1000 stars are present in the entirety of dwarf galaxies Segue 1 and Segue 3,… [+]

What shapes of galaxies are there?

Astronomers classify galaxies into three major categories: elliptical, spiral and irregular. These galaxies span a wide range of sizes, from dwarf galaxies containing as few as 100 million stars to giant galaxies with more than a trillion stars.

How big are dwarf galaxies?

They are elliptical in shape, contain very little or no gas, and have no evidence of recent star formation. They contain 107 to 109 solar masses of material, have diameters of 1 – 10 kiloparsecs and luminosities that range from about 105 to 107 solar.

Which types of galaxies would contain very little gas and dust?

Elliptical galaxies, such as M87 (left), have very little gas and dust. Because gas and dust are found in the clouds that are the birthplaces of stars, we should expect to see very few young stars in elliptical galaxies. In fact, elliptical galaxies contain primarily old, red stars (also known as Population II stars).

Which type of galaxy has a flat shaped component with stars of all ages?

Spiral galaxies appear as flat, blue-white disks of stars, gas and dust with yellowish bulges in their centers. These galaxies are divided into two groups: normal spirals and barred spirals.

What type of galaxy has no definite shape?

Irregular galaxies are those with no defined shape. Many irregular galaxies probably used to be spiral or elliptical until they were disrupted by the pull of neighboring galaxies.

What is the smallest dwarf galaxy?

What do spiral galaxies look like in space?

However, they come in many different shapes and sizes. Spiral galaxies look like giant pinwheels. The arms of the pinwheel are made up of stars and lots of gas and dust. Gas and dust are some of the main ingredients needed to form new stars.

What kind of stars are in irregular galaxies?

Like spiral galaxies, irregular galaxies are often filled with gas, dust, and lots of bright young stars. About 20% of all galaxies are irregular galaxies.

Which is the brightest galaxy in the universe?

Young stars burn much hotter than older stars, so spiral galaxies are often some of the brightest in the universe. About 20% of all galaxies are spirals. Our home galaxy, the Milky Way, is a very good example of one.

What makes a spiral galaxy look like a pinwheel?

Spiral galaxies look like giant pinwheels. The arms of the pinwheel are made up of stars and lots of gas and dust. Gas and dust are some of the main ingredients needed to form new stars. Young stars burn much hotter than older stars, so spiral galaxies are often some of the brightest in the universe.