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What type of local wind happens at night?
Land breezes
land breeze, a local wind system characterized by a flow from land to water late at night. Land breezes alternate with sea breezes along coastlines adjacent to large bodies of water. Both are induced by differences that occur between the heating or cooling of the water surface and the adjacent land surface.
Why do the winds change direction at night?
At night, surface cooling reduces the eddy motion of the air. Surface winds will back and decrease. Conversely, during the day, surface heating increases the eddy motion of the air. Surface winds will veer and increase as stronger winds aloft mix to the surface.
Why does land breeze occur during night time?
Land breezes usually occur at night because during the day the sun will heat land surfaces, but only to a depth of a few inches. As the temperature of the land surfaces cool, the warm air rises and creates a small area of high pressure near the land surface.
What are the effects of local wind?
It is a warm dry wind blowing down the lee side of a hill, mountain, or mountain range after it has risen over the windward side where it has lost its moisture. Such winds may have a marked effect on the climate of a region, sometimes creating an oasis of warm pleasant weather in what would normally be a cold region.
Could a seabreeze occur at night?
While sea breezes occur during the day, land breezes occur at night. Despite the difference in times at which the land breezes and sea breezes occur, the reason for the land breeze’s formation is basically the same as the sea breeze, but the role of the ocean and land is reversed.
Why does the wind speed go down at night?
With no temperature differences between the cloud and the sea, the air mixes slower and the wind speed is reduced. At night however, this situation is reversed with the cloud top now cooling but the sea surface temperature stays the same more or less.
How does the local wind affect the weather?
Local winds have a big affect on the weather conditions. They move clouds and moisture around and can make an area wetter or dryer. Are you a student or a teacher? As a member, you’ll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more.
What are examples of local winds?
Examples of local winds include sea breezes, which blow from the sea to the land and keep coastal temperatures more mild, and land breezes, which blow from the land toward the sea, usually at night.
How are local winds different from global winds?
Winds can be global or local. Global winds travel large distances and fall into general patterns. Trade winds tend to flow diagonally toward the equator, easterlies go west, and westerlies go east. But in today’s lesson, we’re talking about local winds. Local winds are on a much smaller, nearby scale.