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What was important in the Middle Ages?

What was important in the Middle Ages?

The Catholic Church in the Middle Ages Instead, the Catholic Church became the most powerful institution of the medieval period. Kings, queens and other leaders derived much of their power from their alliances with and protection of the Church.

Why did banks become necessary during the Middle Ages?

With the increased economic activity of the Middle Ages, there was a growing need for money exchange and the conversion of coins. Money changers were soon holding and transferring large sums of money and extending loans to merchants. As the demand increased, so did the number of services.

Why were Knights important in the Middle Ages?

Naturally, as leaders of armies, knights were responsible for winning—and losing—some of the most important battles of the Middle Ages. But they also made history in other ways. Many held important religious positions as well as military ones.

Why was banking important during the Renaissance?

Banking. Much of the increase in commercial activity during the Renaissance occurred in the area of international trade. This led the banking industry to expand to provide financial services that made it easier for merchants to conduct business far from home. Some of these merchants became important bankers.

Why were the churches so important in the Middle Ages?

The Church in the Middle Ages had a lot of power. This was due to its enormous wealth, its clear organization and its cultural importance, which was opposed to the disorder, ignorance and violence of feudal society. All members of the Church made up the clergy, which was divided into two: the secular clergy and the regular clergy.

Why was the middle age also called the Dark Age?

Why the Middle Ages are called the Dark Ages The Dark Ages – it is a term that brings images of war, destruction and death – like the domain of the evil character in a good fantasy novel. The Dark Ages – it is a term that brings images of war, destruction and death – like the domain of the evil character in a good fantasy novel. How did the term ‘Dark Ages’ become synonymous with the Middle Ages, and why do we still refer to it like that?

What are some interesting facts about the Middle Ages?

Middle Ages Facts. Although the middle Ages are generally characterized as a tumultuous time, the truth is that many interesting things took place within the society. From the nobility to the peasants, the merchants to the clergy, the women and men, humans and animals, the middle ages were packed with fascinating happenings.

Why was the Middle Ages also called the age of faith?

The Middle Ages are sometimes referred to as the Age of Faith because religion was so pervasive in European society. Medieval villages were organized around local churches, and larger towns would devote generations of labor and resources to build large cathedrals.