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What was John Hudson looking for when he discovered the bay that bears his name?

What was John Hudson looking for when he discovered the bay that bears his name?

The search for the Northeast Passage. In the spring of 1607, sailing for the Muscovy Company, Hudson, his son John, and 10 companions set forth “for to discover a Passage by the North Pole to Japan and China.” Believing that he would find an ice-free sea around the North Pole, Hudson struck out northward.

Why did Hudson sail up the river near New York that bears his name today?

Hudson sailed into the Upper New York Bay on 11 September, and the following day began a journey up what is now known as the Hudson River. His voyage was used to establish Dutch claims to the region and to the fur trade that prospered there when a trading post was established at Albany in 1614.

Did Henry Hudson Discover the Hudson River?

Henry Hudson and His Crew Sailed into the River that Would Bear His Name. Hudson was not the first European explorer to discover this river. The Florentine navigator Giovanni da Verrazano discovered the Hudson in 1524. But Henry Hudson traveled the river much farther than its previous explorer.

Who is the Hudson River names after?

Henry Hudson
The Florentine navigator Giovanni da Verrazano sailed a short distance upstream in 1524, but the river came to bear the name of the Englishman Henry Hudson, who explored it in 1609.

Who was the Hudson Bay bear named after?

Hudson BayPolar bear walking on sea ice at Hudson Bay, Churchill, Manitoba, Can.Mila Zinkova. The bay is named for Henry Hudson, who in 1610, on board the aptly named Discovery, was seeking a Northwest Passage to Asia.

How did the Hudson River get its name?

September 3, 1609. How did the Hudson River in New York and New Jersey get its name? On the misty morning of September 3, 1609, explorer Henry Hudson and his crew aboard the Half Moon sailed into the majestic river off the Atlantic coast by chance. Strong head winds and storms forced them to abandon the northeast voyage they had been assigned.

Where did Henry Hudson go on his voyage?

On the misty morning of September 3, 1609, explorer Henry Hudson and his crew aboard the Half Moon sailed into the majestic river off the Atlantic coast by chance. Strong head winds and storms forced them to abandon the northeast voyage they had been assigned. Rather than return to Holland with nothing to report,…

Why did John Hudson turn back from the Northwest Passage?

Hudson and his crew sailed around Long Island and into New York’s Hudson River, but turned back when they realized it was not a through-channel. While Hudson didn’t discover the Northwest Passage, his voyage was the first step toward Dutch colonization of New York and the Hudson River area.