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What was medieval Europe achievements?

What was medieval Europe achievements?

The period saw major technological advances, including the adoption of gunpowder, the invention of vertical windmills, spectacles, mechanical clocks, and greatly improved water mills, building techniques (Gothic architecture, medieval castles), and agriculture in general (three-field crop rotation).

What were the positives of the Middle Ages?

1 Chivalry. The Middle Ages saw the emergence of chivalry, a moral code for medieval knights.

  • 2 Safer Roads. Towns and cities have always been busy, bustling places.
  • 3 Living Closer to Nature. People of the medieval world had a respect for nature.
  • 4 The Renaissance.
  • What did Europe export in the Middle Ages?

    Goods traded between the Arab world and Europe included slaves, spices, perfumes, gold, jewels, leather goods, animal skins, and luxury textiles, especially silk. There developed important inland trading centres like Milan which then passed on goods to the coastal cities for further export or more northern cities.

    What was the church’s most important achievement in the Middle Ages?

    The Church’s most important achievement was converting the diverse people of Western Europe to Christianity.

    What was Europe like in the Middle Ages?

    When we think of Europe during the High Middle Ages, we see buoyant optimism everywhere. Europe was striking out against its neighbors in the movements of the Crusades, there was an unprecedented period of economic growth, and the age saw the soaring of great architecture—first Romanesque and then Gothic—cathedrals and churches all over Europe.

    What was the population growth in the Middle Ages?

    Population Growth in the Middle Ages. The first fundamental fact is a long-term rise in the population. The evidence that we have at our disposal indicates that probably by the middle of the 8th century, but surely by the middle of the 9th—in other words, in the Carolingian period—the population began rising.

    What was life like in the High Middle Ages?

    Unitary sates–in the form of the Carolingian Empire–were unable to maintain stability, and a seemingly irreversible process of feudal localization of political, economic, and judicial power set in. During the first half of the High Middle Ages, though, the picture begins to change.

    Why was urban development important in the Middle Ages?

    Urban development in northern and Western Europe provided the financial backing for monarchs as well as feudal lords in the form of taxes and customs, and also provided new constituencies in support of further commercial expansion. This development would have great import past 1250, all the way into the seventeenth century.