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What was the average paycheck in 1920?

What was the average paycheck in 1920?

In 1920, the Internal Revenue Service reports, the average income was $3,269.40 per year.

What was the average income in 1922?

65.7 cents in 1922, and average full-time earnings per week were $37.05 in 1928, $36.37 in 1925, and $32.92 in 1922.

What were wages like in the 1920s?

For wealthy, white Americans like Raskob, the “Roaring ’20s” was a time of immense economic prosperity. Yet for most Americans, it wasn’t. Low-wage jobs paid an average of $25 a week for men and $18 for women.

What was the average income in the United States in 1920?

That’s about 10 times the annual salary for workers in 1920. As is the case today, wage earners in the United States filed tax returns and paid federal tax on their wages. In 1920, the Internal Revenue Service reports, the average income was $3,269.40 per year.

What was the average price of bread in 1920?

In 1920, bread cost an average of $0.11 per pound. Source: U.S. BLS; In 1920, milk cost an average of $0.33 per ½ gallon. Source: U.S. BLS; In 1920, eggs cost an average of $0.68 per dozen. Source: U.S. BLS; In 1920, sugar cost an average of $0.055 per pound. Source: U.S. BLS; In 1920, flour cost an average of $0.40 per 5lbs. Source: U.S. BLS

What was the average wage in 1940 in the United States?

In 1940 wage earners in manufacturing industries in the United States as a whole earned an average of 67.0 cents per hour, according to data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

What was the cost of a car in 1920?

In 1920, the starting cost of the popular car, the Model-T Ford, was $440. Source: Automobile Trade Journal; In 1929, the average cost of a gallon of gasoline was 21.7¢. Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture; In 1920, carpenters earned an average of $0.95 per hour in Washington, D.C. Source: U.S. BLS