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What was the name of the newspaper Franklin published?

What was the name of the newspaper Franklin published?

the Pennsylvania Gazette
In 1729, Benjamin Franklin bought a newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette. Franklin not only printed the paper, but often contributed pieces to the paper under aliases. His newspaper soon became the most successful in the colonies.

What did Benjamin Franklin publish?

Franklin became a successful newspaper editor and printer in Philadelphia, the leading city in the colonies, publishing the Pennsylvania Gazette at age 23. He became wealthy publishing this and Poor Richard’s Almanack, which he authored under the pseudonym “Richard Saunders”.

What was Franklin’s best known publication?

As a writer, Franklin was best known for the wit and wisdom he shared with the readers of his popular almanac, Poor Richard, under the pseudonym “Richard Saunders.” In his autobiography, Franklin notes that he began publishing his almanac in 1732 and continued for twenty-five years: “I endeavour’d to make it both …

Did Benjamin Franklin create a book?

Franklin published newspapers, almanacs, and pamphlets at his own risk quite often, but only rarely did he publish a book, because of the greater investment in paper and binding that books entailed. From 1728 to 1748, Franklin printed just sixteen books at his own risk and expense that we know were issued bound.

What was Benjamin Franklin’s first published essay?

Franklin began his career as a writer when he was apprenticed to his brother, James Franklin, for whom he wrote his first published work: grubstreet ballads. Having got a taste for writing, Franklin went on to submit articles to his brother s newspaper under the pseudonym of a widow, Silence Dogood.

Who published the Pennsylvania Gazette?

Benjamin Franklin
On October 2, 1729 Benjamin Franklin and his partner Hugh Meredith seized the opportunity to purchase the Pennsylvania Gazette from Samuel Keimer. The Pennsylvania Gazette was founded by Samuel Keimer in 1728 under the cumbersome name of The Universal Instructor in all Arts and Sciences: and Pennsylvania Gazette.

How did Benjamin Franklin discover electricity?

Most people give credit to Benjamin Franklin for discovering electricity. In 1752, Franklin conducted his famous kite experiment. In order to show that lightning was electricity, he flew a kite during a thunderstorm. He tied a metal key to the kite string to conduct the electricity.

Did Ben Franklin invent the printing press?

Benjamin Franklin, the Printer. And Benjamin did make it on his own. Eventually he opened his own printing shop in Philadelphia. Benjamin’s shop printed all kinds of things including Pennsylvania’s currency (money), his own newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, and his Poor Richard’s Almanac.

Who published the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin?

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Cover of the first English edition of 1793.
Author Benjamin Franklin
Genre Autobiography
Publisher Buisson, Paris (French edition) J. Parson’s, London (First English reprint)
Publication date 1791

How do you cite Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography?

How to cite “The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin” by Benjamin Franklin

  1. APA. Franklin, B. (2004). The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Simon & Schuster.
  2. Chicago. Franklin, Benjamin. 2004. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.
  3. MLA. Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. Simon & Schuster, 2004.

Was Ben Franklin poor?

One of the leading figures of early American history, Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was a statesman, author, publisher, scientist, inventor and diplomat. Born into a Boston family of modest means, Franklin had little formal education. He went on to start a successful printing business in Philadelphia and grew wealthy.