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What was the result of the First and Second Continental Congress?

What was the result of the First and Second Continental Congress?

From 1775-1781, Congress oversaw the war effort, raised the Continental Army, made the Declaration of Independence, and drafted the Articles of Confederation. With the ratification of the articles, the Second Continental Congress became the Congress of the Confederation.

What was the effect of the Continental Congress?

For the duration of the Revolutionary War, the Continental Congress served as a provisional, or temporary, government of the American colonies. The Congress drafted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, which went into effect in 1781.

What were the 3 accomplishments of the Second Continental Congress?

Achievements of the Second Continental Congress

  • George Washington.
  • $55 Continental Currency.
  • U. S declaration of independence 1776.
  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Benjamin Franklin.

What did the Second Continental Congress not accomplish?

Congress lacked the power to levy taxes and struggled to finance the Revolutionary War. With the ratification of the Articles of Confederation, the Congress became known as the Congress of the Confederation.

What was the most important decision the Second Continental Congress made?

Declaration of Independence by John Trumbull, 1819: The resolution for independence was among the most important accomplishments of the Second Continental Congress.

What was accomplished by the Second Continental Congress during their meeting in Philadelphia?

The Congress appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, and authorized the raising of the army through conscription. On July 4, 1776, the Congress issued the Declaration of Independence, which for the first time asserted the colonies’ intention to be fully independent of the mother country.

What were the 2 main accomplishments of the Second Continental Congress?

Major accomplishments of the Second Continental Congress: On July 4, 1776 they issued the Declaration of Independence declaring the United States as an independent country from Britain. On June 14, 1777 they passed the Flag Resolution for an official United States Flag.