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What was the role of a censor in the Roman government?

What was the role of a censor in the Roman government?

censor, plural Censors, or Censores, in ancient Rome, a magistrate whose original functions of registering citizens and their property were greatly expanded to include supervision of senatorial rolls and moral conduct.

Why were the tribunes important to the political and social life of Rome?

Tribune was a title of various offices in ancient Rome, the two most important of which were the tribuni plebis and tribuni militum. The tribuni plebis wielded great political power as they effectively ran the popular assembly of Rome, proposing bills to vote on and able to personally veto senatorial legislation.

How did the Roman Roman government keep tribunes from becoming too powerful people participate in their government?

Elected by the plebeians, tribunes had the ability to veto ( VEE-toh), or prohibit, actions by other officials. Veto means “I forbid” in Latin, the Romans’ language. This veto power made tribunes very pow- erful in Rome’s government. To keep them from abusing their power, each tribune remained in office only one year.

What were the 3 main responsibilities of the censor?

The censor (at any time, there were two) was a magistrate in ancient Rome who was responsible for maintaining the census, supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the government’s finances.

In what ways were the tribunes of the plebs especially powerful?

In what ways were the tribunes of the plebs especially powerful? The tribunes of the plebs had the power to VETO any law or action of the magistrate. How is direct democracy in the Roman republic different from the representative democracy in the United States?

What was the relationship between the public assemblies and the tribune in the Roman Republic?

They elected their own officers, plebeian tribunes, and plebeian aediles. Usually a plebeian tribune would preside over the assembly. This assembly passed most laws, and could also act as a court of appeal. Since the tribunes were considered to be the embodiment of the plebeians, they were sacrosanct.

How could a Roman become a tribune?

How could a Roman become a tribune? Get the plebeians to elect him. Veto actions by the Senate. The people elect representatives to make laws for them.

What did the Senate do in ancient Rome?

The senate of the Roman Kingdom held three principal responsibilities: It functioned as the ultimate repository for the executive power, it served as the king’s council, and it functioned as a legislative body in concert with the people of Rome.