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What was the Second Continental Congress and what did they authorize?

What was the Second Continental Congress and what did they authorize?

Declaring independence The Second Continental Congress assumed the normal functions of a government, appointing ambassadors, issuing paper currency, raising the Continental Army through conscription, and appointing generals to lead the army.

What did the Second Continental Congress approve of?

Congress finally approved the resolution of independence on July 2, 1776. They next turned their attention to a formal explanation of this decision, the United States Declaration of Independence which was approved on July 4 and published soon thereafter.

What actions did the Second Continental Congress take in response to the outbreak of war with Britain?

What actions did the Second Continental Congress take in response to the outbreak of war with Britain? Took responsibility for the war to show unity amongst the colonies. Established a Continental Army. Appointed George Washington as the commander.

What does the Second Continental Congress do to prepare for war?

The Second Continental Congress established the militia as the Continental Army to represent the thirteen states. To prepare for war the Continental Congress would appoint George Washington as Commander In Chief and act as a central government and put together an army for the colonies defense.

Why did some members of the Second Continental Congress oppose independence?

Why did some members of the Second Continental Congress oppose independence? Some were still loyal to Britain and some believed they couldn’t win the war. They had to pay the debts from the Seven Years’ War [French and Indian War]. The colonists were mad about taxation without representation.

What did the Second Continental Congress do quizlet?

During the Revolutionary War, the Second Continental Congress acted as the national government, and governed the colonies during war. The Second Congress managed the colonial war effort, financing the war with borrowed funds and without the support of taxes; states were asked to contribute men, supplies, and funds.

What happened when the Second Continental Congress reviewed the Declaration of Independence?

When the Second Continental Congress review the Declaration of Independence it immediately rejected it suggested changes to it ask the writing committee to start over past it without making changes.

Why did loyalists oppose the Patriot’s cause?

What was one reason that Loyalists opposed the Patriot cause? Patriot leaders restricted free speech. infringing on the colonists’ rights.

How did the Second Continental Congress respond to the eruption of fighting?

The immediate action the 2nd Continental Congress took in response to the fighting at Lexington and Concord was, delegates sent a petition to King George III called the Olive Branch Petition. They declared their loyality to the king, and asked to repeal the Intolerable Acts.

How did the Second Continental Congress prepare and support the war effort?

The Second Congress managed the colonial war effort, financing the war with borrowed funds and without the support of taxes; states were asked to contribute men, supplies, and funds.

Which action taken by the Second Continental Congress shows they were hoping to avoid war?

Which action taken by the Second Continental Congress shows they were hoping to avoid war? The Congress sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George and Parliament. How did the Americans use local geography to their advantage in the Battle of Bunker Hill?

How did the Second Continental Congress respond to the battles of Lexington and Concord?

How did the Second Continental Congress respond to the Battles of Lexington and Concord? It organized the Continental Army. What was one reason that Loyalists opposed the Patriot cause?