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What were families like in the 1930s?

What were families like in the 1930s?

Children of impoverished families, recalling memories of family life during the 1930s, often remembered their fathers as emotionally distant and indifferent. Some unemployed men took up drinking. Others went off on long trips, looking for employment in other cities. Some deserted their wives and families altogether.

What was going on in the 1930s and 1940s?

The Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the start of World War II on the European front were some of the most impactful historical events of the time. These events influenced what our ancestors wore, what they did for work, how they managed their homes, where they lived, what they did for fun, and much more.

What was life like during the 1930s?

The 1930s saw natural disasters as well as manmade ones: For most of the decade, people in the Plains states suffered through the worst drought in American history, as well as hundreds of severe dust storms, or “black blizzards,” that carried away the soil and made it all but impossible to plant crops.

What happened to children in the 1930s?

1930s: School was considered a luxury for low- and middle-income children. Schools were overpopulated, underfunded, and an estimated 20,000 schools in America closed. Transportation was an issue—there were no buses or cars so children had to walk often long distances.

How was family life affected by the Great Depression?

The Depression had a powerful impact on family life. It forced couples to delay marriage and drove the birthrate below the replacement level for the first time in American history. The divorce rate fell, for the simple reason that many couples could not afford to maintain separate households or pay legal fees.

What major event happened in the 1940s?

World War II ends as Allied and Soviet forces make their way towards Germany, liberating concentration camps along the way. The United States drops two atomic bombs on Japan, bringing an end to the Pacific side of the war. The United Nations is created after fifty nations sign the charter.

What was daily life like in the Dust Bowl area during the 1930s?

Life during the Dust Bowl years was a challenge for those who remained on the Plains. They battled constantly to keep the dust out of their homes. Windows were taped and wet sheets hung to catch the dust. At the dinner table, cups, glasses, and plates were kept overturned until the meal was served.

How did kids entertain themselves during the Great Depression?

What did people do for fun during the Great Depression? People found unique and inexpensive ways to entertain themselves during the Great Depression. They listened to a variety of radio shows or took in a cheap movie. They also took part in sports, fads, or fun contests that didn’t cost anything at all.