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What were Puritan rules?

What were Puritan rules?

Puritan law was extremely strict; men and women were severly punished for a variety of crimes. Even a child could be put to death for cursing his parents. It was believed that women who were pregnant with a male child had a rosy complexion and that women carrying a female child were pale.

What were Puritans allowed and not allowed to do?

They allowed hunting, fishing and archery, and they held athletic contests (never on Sunday though). They drank beer, wine and liquor, but not to excess.

What was life like for the Puritans?

The Puritans were an industrious people, and virtually everything within the house was made by hand – including clothes. The men and boys took charge of farming, fixing things around the house, and caring for livestock. The women made soap, cooked, gardened, and took care of the house.

What did the Puritans disapprove of?

They disapproved of gambling, holidays, dancing, and popular songs and most of all, they disapproved of the theatre.

What are 3 major values or rules of Puritanism?

Finally, many Americans have adopted the Puritan ethics of honesty, responsibility, hard work, and self-control.

What did Puritans disapprove?

The Puritans wanted people to live devout and godly lives, and put God first. They opposed anything that distracted people from God – and that, of course, included most forms of fun. Puritans thought the things that playwrights wrote about were unsuitable and disapproved of the rude jokes and raucous atmosphere.

What were the basic beliefs of the Puritans?

Basic Puritan beliefs are summarized by the acronym T.U.L.I.P.: Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace and Perseverance of the saints.

What did Puritan homes look like?

A: Puritan houses were one to two stories high, made of wood, and usually had a stone fireplace.

What kind of living conditions did the Puritans have?

In the towns and cities, roofs would have been thatch or tile. It was common among the lower classes to pack people into houses or apartments, perhaps ten people (plus boarders) living in one room, along with animals: maybe a chicken or two, or a goat . . . .

What was the purpose of the Puritan movement?

Puritanism, a religious reform movement in the late 16th and 17th centuries that sought to “purify” the Church of England of remnants of the Roman Catholic “popery” that the Puritans claimed had been retained after the religious settlement reached early in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Puritans became noted in the 17th century for a spirit of

What was the dispute between the Puritans and the church?

In the 1570s, the primary dispute between Puritans and the authorities was over the appropriate form of church government. Many Puritans believed the Church of England should follow the example of Reformed churches in other parts of Europe and adopt presbyterian polity, under which government by bishops would be replaced with government by elders.

What was the difference between the pilgrims and the Puritans?

Differences Between Pilgrims and Puritans. The main difference between the Pilgrims and the Puritans is that the Puritans did not consider themselves separatists. They called themselves “nonseparating congregationalists,” by which they meant that they had not repudiated the Church of England as a false church.