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What were some major problems in the South following the Civil War?

What were some major problems in the South following the Civil War?


  • The land was in ruins.
  • Confederate money was worthless.
  • Banks were runied.
  • 4.No law or authority.
  • The souths transportation system was in complete disorder.
  • Loss of enslaved workers,worth two billion dollars.
  • Government at all levels, had dissapeared.

What challenges did the South face?

First, the South had the problem of having an agricultural economy. It is hard to win a war when all you produce is cotton, tobacco, and rice. The South had virtually no industrialization, and found it difficult to produce weapons or uniforms, for example.

What were the biggest challenges facing the post Reconstruction South?

The biggest challenge of the post-Reconstruction South was maintaining a constant subservient workforce, giving birth to the sharecropping system. Keeping African Americans in their ‘place’ was another ‘challenge’. This was why Jim Crow laws were created.

What challenges did the nation and especially the South face at the end of the Civil War?

What challenges did the nation and especially the south face at the end of the civil war? The nation was devastated by the deaths of more than 60,000 men. The South had been physically destroyed by the war, and much of the land lay in ruins.

What economic problems did the South face after the Civil War?

After the war, the South had myriad economic problems. These included no more slaves, little industry, no money, ravaged lands, and a relatively uneducated workforce. The South had a primarily agricultural economy, which was dependent upon free manpower, the slaves.

What happened to the South after the war?

Much of the Southern United States was destroyed during the Civil war. Farms and plantations were burned down and their crops destroyed. The rebuilding of the South after the Civil War is called the Reconstruction. The Reconstruction lasted from 1865 to 1877.

What were the biggest challenges in the South at the end of Reconstruction quizlet?

What was the problem of the south during the Civil War?

First, the South had the problem of having an agricultural economy. It is hard to win a war when all you produce is cotton, tobacco, and rice. The South had virtually no industrialization, and found it difficult to produce weapons or uniforms, for example.

What was the reconstruction like for the south?

Reconstruction was a massive logistical, political, Constitutional, economic challenge like the country had never faced. It had now faced the challenge of all-out war. It had mobilized to defeat the South. It had created the largest armies in the history of the world to conduct this war.

What was the problem with reintegrating the south?

So, “reintegrating” the South was no small problem as it had been extremely prosperous in its importing and exporting, and now entire plantations were destroyed and burned.

What was the final issue of the Civil War?

The final issue was in bringing the states back into the Union. Other than Tennessee, most of the South was slow in passing the Fourteenth Amendment. This ultimately led to military Reconstruction. Many Southerners hated this occupation (which they regarded as a foreign force).