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What were the main cause of the Vietnam War?

What were the main cause of the Vietnam War?

In general, historians have identified several different causes of the Vietnam War, including: the spread of communism during the Cold War, American containment, and European imperialism in Vietnam.

What are the causes and effects of the Vietnam War?

EFFECT: The South Vietnamese army became more active in the war and their casualty rate had started to increase. CAUSE: The Viet Cong soldiers traveled light, knew their way around the land, and had to distinguish enemy troops from regular villagers. EFFECT: The US soldiers had a hard time in defeating them.

What was the real reason for the Vietnam War?

Thus, the major causes of the Vietnam War include three causes: To stop the spread of communism in Vietnam; As the French soldiers pulled out of war for a number of reasons, the U.S. was ready to take their place in the military conflict; The U.S. foreign policy was based on providing support to friend countries.

Why the Vietnam War was unwinnable?

Although the United States undoubtedly had the means to prevail in Vietnam, the war was unwinnable at the level of commitment and sacrifice that our nation was willing to sustain . As the renowned historian George Herring put it, the war could not “have been ‘won’ in any meaningful sense at a moral or material cost most Americans deemed acceptable.”

What were the positive effects of the Vietnam War?

The positive effect was that it helped bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union. They couldn’t continue to finance wars of communist takeover, and of course the Reagan build up of the military was a bigger reason for the collapse of the USSR.

What were the major issues of the Vietnam War?

Social problems. Vietnam. During the Vietnam War, the Communist government of North Vietnam was successful in limiting the country’s social problems to those directly connected with the war effort. Although malnutrition and poverty were common, corruption was rare and the incidence of drugs, prostitution, and crime was limited.