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What would happen if the Confederacy won the Civil War?

What would happen if the Confederacy won the Civil War?

First, had the Confederacy won the Civil War, slavery would have undoubtedly continued in the South. As a result of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Union victory, slavery was abolished. A victory by the North did equate to the end of slavery. A victory by the South would have meant the opposite.

Could the South have won the American Civil War?

The South could have won simply by not being conquered. It did not have to occupy a foot of ground outside its borders. The South’s best hope for success was outlasting Lincoln, and deep schisms among Northerners throughout the war kept that hope alive.

What would the world be like if the Confederates won?

The outcome of a Confederate victory would have been the break up of the United States but not quite as President Jeff Davis wanted. The Confederacy was never a country, which is obvious from its name. The Southern states were allied by expediency but were as disparate among each other as they were with the North.

Did the Confederacy ever have a chance?

There was no inevitability to the outcome of the Civil War. Neither North nor South had an inside track to victory. And what so many people find startling is the fact that despite the North’s enormous superiority in manpower and material, the South had a two-to-one chance of winning the contest.

What would the world be like if the South had won?

First, the outcome of the victory of the South could have been another Union, ruled by the Southern States. The United-States of America would have another capital in Richmond. Their industrious prosperity would have been stopped and slavery would have remained in all the United-States for a long time.

What would have happened if the south had won the Civil War?

First, the outcome of the victory of the South could have been another Union, ruled by the Southern States. The United-States of America would have another capital in Richmond. They would have kept the name of “confederation” in memory to the “civil war” and to the position of the Southern states, but being a true federal country.

Did the south really win the Civil War?

It has become an accepted historical fact that the South could not have won the American Civil War. The North’s advantages in finance, population, railroads, manufacturing, technology, and naval assets, among others, are often cited as prohibitively decisive. Yes, the South had the advantage of fighting on the defensive, this with interior lines, but those two meager pluses appear dwarfed by the North’s overwhelming strategic advantages, hence defeat virtually a foregone conclusion.

What if the south had won the war?

If the outcome of the Civil War was different and the South had won the war, there would be a countless number of changes in history. A few of the most significant effects would be the changes of Southern territory, changes economically , and the continuing dilemma with slavery.

Which side won the Civil War and why?

The North won the Civil War because they were on the right side of human ethical issues. Most of the Southern States were hard core believers in slavery and they did not want to give up their privileges of having servants.