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What zodiac is Justin Bieber?

What zodiac is Justin Bieber?

Justin Bieber/Western Zodiac Sign

Is Selena Gomez zodiac sign Cancer?

Selena Gomez, born July 22, 1992, shows her Cancer tendencies through her spirituality.

What is selenas birth chart?

Selena Quintanilla was an Aries.

What is Taylor Swift’s zodiac sign?

Taylor Swift/Western Zodiac Sign

Is Hailey Bieber a Scorpio or Sagittarius?

Their Sun Signs Reveal A Steamy, Passionate Connection Hailey Bieber (born Nov. 22, 1996) is a freedom-loving and risk-taking Sagittarius. These bold fire signs are free-spirited explorers who love to learn. Justin Bieber (born March 1, 1994) is a dreamy and emotional Pisces.

Is Selena Cancer or Leo?

Selena Gomez’s zodiac sign is Cancer since she was born on July 22nd, 1992, in Grand Prairie, Texas. According to her birth chart and the location of her Sun and Ascending, she also has many traits of a Leo and an Aries.

Is Ariana Grande a Cancer?

Ariana Grande’s zodiac sign is Cancer Grande’s birthday means that her sun sign is Cancer.

What is Miley Cyrus zodiac sign?

Miley Cyrus/Western Zodiac Sign